News & Opinions

wiiw is hiring an Economist specialised in the Visegrád countries - 17 Oct 2024

The main focus is on applied empirical research in macroeconomics, trade, FDI and industrial policy, and policy-oriented analysis read more

Autumn Forecast: Eastern Europe defies the downward drag from Germany - 16 Oct 2024

Private consumption buoyant, but industry in recession due to Germany's weakness; near-shoring so far only visible in the Western Balkans and Hungary; Ukrainian economy scarred by the war, Russia expected to grow by almost 4% in 2024 read more

Schwächere, aber immer noch positive Konjunkturimpulse aus CEE für Österreich - 16 Oct 2024

Aus der Region Mittel-, Ost-, und Südosteuropa kommen nach wie vor Wachstumsimpulse für Österreichs Wirtschaft. Heuer dürften Sie aber etwas geringer ausfallen, als zunächst angenommen. read more

Why foreign companies are moving to the Western Balkans - 02 Oct 2024

Proximity to the EU, a skilled workforce and low labour costs are increasingly drawing investors to the region; environmentally sustainable production and CO2 reduction offer opportunities for future growth read more

Recent Publications


External weakness dampening robust consumer-driven growth

wiiw Forecast Reports read more


Fiscal consolidation and its growth effects in euro area countries: Past, present and future outlook

wiiw Working Papers read more

Transforming the Western Balkans through Near-shoring and Decarbonisation

Joint Study read more

Upcoming Events

24  October 2024    9:00 am CEST

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW).

AW-Curriculum: Systematischer Überblick über handelspolitische Instrumente – Schwerpunkt Sanktionen

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12  November 2024    2:00 pm CET

In cooperation with Research Centre International Economics (FIW) and European University Institute (EUI).

Join Feodora Teti as she explores how misreported tariff data impacts trade policy studies and introduces selection bias.

Missing tariffs -Errors in tariff data and their impact on trade policy studies

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Projects in Focus

Economic and Social Impacts of FDI in CSEE

Client: Ost-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V.
Duration: January 2022 - November 2022 read more

Russia Monitor

Client: German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Duration: January 2023 - June 2024 read more

Monthly updates of Addiko corporate loan data for 2023 and 2024

Client: Addiko Bank AG
Duration: January 2023 - December 2024 read more

A stronger CEE for a stronger Europe - Policy Note

Client: Erste Group Bank AG
Duration: December 2023 - February 2024 read more

Technology Sovereignty and the Role of Knowledge Diffusion in Global Value Chains

Client: Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Duration: February 2023 - June 2023 read more

Systematische Untersuchung der möglichen mittel- und langfristigen Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf Personen- und Gütermobilität

Client: ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG/Austrian Railway
Duration: February 2021 - March 2022 read more
