Austria's External Economic Relations 2009 - Synopsis (English)

Vasily Astrov, Sandra Bilek-Steindl, Éva Dessewffy, Mariya Hake, Angela Köppl, Michael Landesmann, Ina Matt, Franz Nauschnigg, Harald Past, Olga Pindyuk, Johannes Pöschl, Susanne Sieber, Egon Smeral, Roman Stöllinger, Waltraut Urban and Petra Vujakovic

Book (Monograph or editorship)
Kompetenzzentrum Forschungsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaft (FIW),

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The complete yearbook in German language can be downloaded HERE.


Within the scope of the 'Research Centre International Economics' (FIW) the yearbook on 'Austria's External Economic Relations 2009' has been published. You can download the full text of the yearbook (in German) and the English summary for free.

The English summary is a condensed version of the more than 300 pages long publication 'Österreichs Außenwirtschaft 2009', which is published by the FIW and funded by the Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth. The publication provides numerous analyses and comprehensive data on the framework of world trade and on Austrian trade in goods and services as well as Austrian foreign direct investment.

The yearbook on Austria's foreign trade is a compact and informative compilation of the key global and Austria-specific developments of relevance to Austria's foreign trade. It is the third volume of its kind, published by the FIW on behalf of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth. The volume offers readers interested in economics numerous analyses and in-depth data on the institutional and economic setting within which global trade operates, on Austrian trade in goods and services, and on foreign direct investment within and outside of Austria. The volume focuses on the developments in 2008, and provides an outlook on 2009, with due consideration of the economic crisis. The special topic of this edition deals with the question 'New Protectionism - A Threat to World Trade?'



Countries covered: Austria

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI
