
map Russia
In Q1 2024, real GDP grew by 5.4% year on year, following 4.9% in Q4 2023. The high growth rate in Q1 should partly be viewed against the low basis from Q1 2023, when the economy declined by 1.6%, which means that growth will probably slow somewhat in annual terms as the year progresses. Nevertheless, the underlying growth momentum remains strong, prompting us to raise our growth forecast for 2024 once again – to 3.2% (from 2.8% in spring). Since December 2023, the policy interest rate has been kept at a very high 16%; but this has still not been enough to cool the economy, which remains clearly overheated. Inflation has been hovering at around 8% in annual terms, driven primarily by ongoing high real wage growth amidst further labour-market tightening: in April, the unemployment rate (LFS) dropped to another all-time low of 2.6%. On the external front, increased US pressure on banks from third countries (such as China, Turkey and the UAE) to discourage them from receiving payments from Russia has resulted in a marked decline in imports from these countries. For instance, merchandise imports from China – which accounts for nearly half of total Russian imports – fell sharply in both March and April (year on year), with dual-use products hit particularly hard. Although alternative payment channels will likely be found eventually, these will entail extra costs, which will serve to fuel inflation still further. In 2025-2026, growth is projected to slow to around 2.5%, with tight monetary conditions and further rising labour shortages ultimately weighing on economic dynamics.
Main Economic Indicators202120222023202420252026
Population, 1000 persons145864146714146326...
GDP, real change in %5.9-
GDP per capita (EUR at PPP)247802542027590...
Gross industrial production, real change in %
Unemployment rate - LFS, in %, average4.
Average gross monthly wages, EUR656901809...
Consumer prices, % p.a.6.713.
Fiscal balance in % of GDP0.8-1.4-2.3-1.2-1.5-1.0
Public debt in % of GDP15.414.714.9...
Current account in % of GDP6.810.
FDI inflow, EUR m34166-37607-10289...
Gross external debt in % of GDP27.716.715.3...

Basic data are continuously updated.

* Forecasts are changed beginning of January, April, July and November.
See Press Conferences.


Monthly Report No. 7-8/2024

Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Selena Duraković, Meryem Gökten, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Branimir Jovanović, Niko Korpar, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Sandor Richter, Bernd Christoph Ströhm, Maryna Tverdostup, Zuzana Zavarská and Adam Żurawski
wiiw Monthly Report No. 7-8, July-August 2024
45 pages including 5 Tables and 12 Figures



Executive summary

Olga Pindyuk
in: The Crisis is Over, but its Scarring Effects are Hindering Recovery
wiiw Forecast Report No. Spring 2024, April 2024 , pp. I-VII
