FIW Award open for young female economists in Austria

12 March 2014

The award is aimed at young female economists who have written their master’s thesis in international economics at an Austrian University.

Launched by the Austrian Research Centre International Economics (FIW), the award is addressed at young (up to 35 years), female economists who have written their master’s or diploma thesis at an Austrian University in the area of international economics. It aims to pay tribute to exceptional works and to motivate young women to consider a scientific career. The award carries a prize of € 6000 which can be split among several winners. The evaluation of the master’s or diploma thesis must have taken place between 2012 and 2013.

Particular attention is paid to theoretical, empirical and works with a focus on economic policy in the following thematic areas: international macroeconomics, international economics, European integration, international trade, international competition, foreign direct investment, migration, international economic developments, multinational enterprises, development economics, globalisation, international trade- and financial institutions, exchange rate regimes and international financial markets.

Applications, including a curriculum vitae in pdf format, should be sent to not later than 21st March 2014.

The Research Centre International Economics (FIW) was set up by three Austrian economic research and statistical institutes – the Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) and the Computing Centre for Economics and Social Sciences (WSR) – with financial support by the Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW). In the framework of the FIW, the institutes have jointly built a Centre of Excellence on International Trade which provides appropriate research infrastructure and assistance for the Austrian research community and coordinates among different research projects, research institutes and researchers in the broad field of economics of international trade.

The Centre of Excellence has furthermore developed a research programme which assists political decision-makers, it provides access to relevant databases and enhances the development of know-how with regard to foreign economic affairs in Austria.
