Presentation of wiiw's latest growth forecast for the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe

26  November 2012    10:00 am CET

Eurozone crisis and fiscal austerity push half of the region into recession


wiiw, Rahlgasse 3, 1060 Vienna, lecture hall (entrance from the ground floor)


Export weakness and suppressed domestic demand will push nearly half of theCESEE region into recession this year, including the Czech Republic, Hungary,Slovenia, and nearly all Western Balkan countries. Also elsewhere, wiiw growthforecasts have been generally revised downwards. For the next year, we expect areturn to positive growth in all CESEE countries (except Slovenia) which shouldslightly accelerate in 2014 – barring major shocks and conditional on improvementsin the eurozone. These are the main results of the updated medium-term growthforecast for the region by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies(wiiw).

wiiw has also just published its annual Handbook of Statistics, providing reliableand comparable economic data on 18 CESEE countries.
