CESEE Visual Data Explorer
The CESEE Visual Data Explorer is available exclusively for members, and is updated daily based on the wiiw Annual Database and wiiw FDI Database. The CESEE Visual Data Explorer is an interactive visualisation tool. Charts, accompanied by background data, can be created just in few steps by selecting countries, defining the time period, type of chart and preferred layout. The data start from 1990 or later upon availability and are available on an annual basis.
Access conditions
The CESEE Visual Data Explorer is available exclusively for members. For membership conditions please click here.
Access CESEE Visual Data Explorer
The content of the CESEE Visual Data Explorer is regularly updated.
It includes:
Cross-country comparisons for 23 CESEE economies and benchmarking to regional or sub-regional averages for key economic indicators and forecasts (if available) of the region such as, for example:
Country profiles for main indicators,
Exports and imports of goods by top ten trading partners,
Employment by activities,
Wages by activities.
CESEE VDE use conditions and citation
For use of our CESEE Visual Data Explorer we apply wiiw Standard Terms and Conditions. When using the data, extracted from the CESEE Visual Data Explorer, please additionally mention wiiw as a source.
Updates and contact
The CESEE VDE is updated continuously. Please contact Alexandra Bykova and David Zenz concerning content- and visualisation-related questions.
Alexandra Bykova
Head of Statistics Department and Economistemail: bykova@wiiw.ac.at
telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10-26
David Zenz
Statistician, Data Scientist & R Shiny Application Developer, Member of the Works Councilemail: zenz@wiiw.ac.at
telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10-42