Regional Development
Main research focus

Our core competence is the analysis of regional development in the EU-27 and SEE countries. The key element in our understanding and research is the multi-dimensional nature of regional development, comprising economic and social issues. We also look at the key factors driving regional development and the policies necessary to spur development and reduce disparities.
New directions
We want to strengthen our research on the link between macroeconomic and regional economic developments and the analysis of social issues. The extent and the causes of the EU regions’ resilience to the economic crisis is receiving increasing attention as well as the development prospects of the Danube region.
Our research output is tailored to clients’ needs and ranges from individual case studies for single regions to European-wide analysis of specific aspects of regional development.
The methods applied cover purely descriptive techniques as well as modelling and economic analysis.
We draw upon a large regional data set collected from European and national sources as well as on a range of cross-country research networks that enable us to cover almost any area of regional development in the EU-27, the SEE and also beyond.