wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Political breakthrough in times of economic stagnation


Josef Pöschl

in: New Divide(s) in Europe?
wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts No. 9, March 2012 , pp. 104-106

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The economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina will hardly grow substantially or may even shrink slightly in 2012. For the time being, there is nothing that would support expectations of a strong GDP decline. For the period after 2012 we can count with growth resumption, should external conditions allow for that. The main impetus needs to come from outside as a major home-made demand push is unlikely to happen. Prices will remain relatively stable, and no strong medium-term improvement on the labour market can be expected.


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database

Countries covered: Bosnia and Herzegovina, SEE
