Press Area

On this page you find information that is especially relevant for journalists and other media professionals.

Latest Press Release:
Monday, 8th July 2024: Sanctions barely affecting Russia’s ability to wage war
Online dashboard on the Russian economy
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Press contact

For general press inquiries please contact:

Andreas Knapp

Communications Manager

telephone: (+43) 680 13 42 785

Austria, Vienna

Interviews with experts

Our experts are available for interviews and background talks. Please contact Mr. Andreas Knapp to help you find the right expert or check our Economists' profiles.

wiiw in the press

Our current media presence is available here.

Registration for journalists

If you are a journalist, you may register here in order to receive notifications of press conferences and assorted other restricted events and to download most of our publications for free (Our secretariat will enquire about your credentials and will contact you after submission of your registration request.)

Media statistics in wiiw's annual reports

Detailed information about our media presence in the past years is available in our annual reports (in German) here.

For high resolution photos of our experts please visit our Economists' profiles.
