Press Releases
Past wiiw press releases:
- Tuesday, 4th February 2025: Winter Forecast: Eastern Europe to grow faster in 2025 despite Trump
Private consumption driving growth, while export-oriented industry is struggling; Donald Trump unchained major downside risk; Ukraine’s economic prospects uncertain; growth in Russia will halve to 1.8% in 2025
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- Monday, 13th January 2025: Studie: Arbeitskräftemangel könnte Österreichs Wachstum mittelfristig gefährden
Akuter Arbeitskräftemangel ab den 2030ern; wichtige Exportwirtschaft dürfte leiden; höhere Erwerbsbeteiligung, Zuwanderung von Fachkräften und mehr Produktivität notwendig
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- Tuesday, 17th December 2024: Sharp decline in foreign direct investment in Eastern Europe
FDI inflows are slipping below the level of the COVID crisis; Austrian investors cautiously, German investors on the retreat; China investing the most; Trump creating uncertainty
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- Tuesday, 19th November 2024: Study: EU should drastically increase aid to Ukraine
Without massive support, a dictated peace or collapse looms; grants, not loans, necessary for economic prosperity; reconstruction with Russia's frozen central bank assets
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- Tuesday, 5th November 2024: Studie: Gaspreisschock zeigt Notwendigkeit für grünen Umbau der Wirtschaft
Sektoren mit geringem CO2-Fußabdruck sind wesentlich resilienter als CO2-intensive Wirtschaftszweige. Damit stützen sie Wertschöpfung und Wachstum in Österreich.
- Wednesday, 16th October 2024: Autumn Forecast: Eastern Europe defies the downward drag from Germany
Private consumption remains buoyant, but the export-oriented industry is in recession. Near-shoring has so far only been observed in the Western Balkans and Hungary. The Ukrainian economy is scarred by the war. Russia’s war economy is expected to grow by almost 4% in 2024, even if threatened US secondary sanctions take effect.
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- Wednesday, 2nd October 2024: Study: Why companies are moving to the Western Balkans
Proximity to the EU, a skilled workforce and low labour costs are increasingly drawing investors to the region, while environmentally sustainable production and CO2 reduction present significant opportunities for future growth.
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- Monday, 23rd September 2024: Study: EU-CEE countries need innovation for a new growth model
More R&D needed for EU members in the region; foreign know-how and development of industrial clusters in high-tech crucial; Ireland and Singapore as role models
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- Monday, 8th July 2024: Sanctions barely affecting Russia’s ability to wage war
Online dashboard on the Russian economy
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- Tuesday, 2nd July 2024: Summer Forecast: Growth in Eastern Europe gains momentum
Sharp rise in real wages main driver of growth; Ukraine suffering from power cuts; Russia to grow by 3.2% in 2024; threatened US sanctions against third countries to take effect
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- Tuesday, 25th June 2024: wiiw erweitert Vorstand und bekommt neue kaufmännische Co-Direkorin
Verena Nowotny, Shalini Randeria, Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell und Thomas Wieser neu im Vorstand; Birgit Buschbom neue stellvertretende kaufmännische Direktorin
- Wednesday, 12th June 2024: Study: Ukraine’s economy has great potential
Six sectors could help Ukraine to succeed economically after the end of the war: renewable energy, rare raw materials, metal processing, mechanical engineering, the food industry, and IT
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- Wednesday, 24th April 2024: Spring Forecast: Eastern Europe recovery remains on track
Private consumption main driver of growth; geopolitical risks weigh; Ukrainian recovery in jeopardy; Russia's war economy at its limits, secondary sanctions could hurt
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Related: Press conference
- Tuesday, 30th January 2024: Winter Forecast: Growth in Eastern Europe to strengthen in 2024
English | German
- Monday, 11th December 2023: Studie: Hohe Hürden für Geflüchtete am Arbeitsmarkt
Haupthindernis restriktiver Zugang; Falle Niedriglohnsektor; ethnische Communities mitunter problematisch; AMS, Integrationsjahr und Kompetenzcheck können helfen; psychische Erkrankungen weitverbreitet
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- Wednesday, 15th November 2023: Study: Ukraine’s EU accession is feasible
Ukraine not an economic outlier; catch-up process modelled on that of Central Eastern Europe possible; IT and agriculture with potential; demographics, corruption and rule of law problematic
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- Wednesday, 11th October 2023: Autumn Forecast: Growth in Eastern Europe under pressure
Recession in Germany, weakness of the euro area, high interest rates weigh on the economies; Visegrád countries weak; Ukraine recovers somewhat; arms boom and primitivisation of the economy in Russia
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- Wednesday, 20th September 2023: Rail instead of lorries: The climate effect of a ‘European Silk Road’
A high-speed rail link across the continent could drive the shift of freight traffic from road to rail and provide major CO2 savings
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- Thursday, 13th July 2023: Ukraine: Population loss endangers reconstruction
20% decline in population, pre-war level out of reach; labour force massively shrinking; labour shortage threatens reconstruction and economic recovery; new forecasting model on demographic projections closes research gap
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- Wednesday, 12th July 2023: Study: EU-CEE countries need an industrial policy for a new growth model
EU members in Central Eastern Europe must build globally competitive companies; the state has a role to play in promoting industrial strengths; East Asia’s success stories can provide inspiration
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- Wednesday, 5th July 2023: Summer Forecast: Growth in Eastern Europe weakens
Recession in Germany, inflation and higher interest rates weighing on the region’s economies; Ukraine: Fragile recovery in sight; Russia: Armament boom ends recession; Inflation in many countries in double digits – in contrast to the euro area
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- Wednesday, 21st June 2023: Study: Priorities and financing of Ukraine’s reconstruction
Focus on social spending, housing, employment, education, health, infrastructure and the private sector; higher grants from donors, debt relief and reform of the tax system needed
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- Monday, 8th May 2023: Turkey's economy at a crossroads
In 2023, GDP growth will halve to 2.6% (2022: 5.6%); damage from recent earthquake is slowing growth; looming currency crisis due to current monetary policy; political and macroeconomic stability neededrn• Political and macroeconomic stability is needed
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- Wednesday, 26th April 2023: Spring Forecast: Eastern Europe growing more strongly than the euro area
Fragile recovery, downside risks remain; Ukraine: more resilient than expected; Russia: sanctions are working, albeit slowly; inflation remains stubbornly high
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- Monday, 30th January 2023: Eastern European growth weaker, but resilient
Recession mostly avoided; recovery in Ukraine with question marks; oil sanctions against Russia are working (GDP forecast 2023: -3%); inflation has passed its peak
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- Monday, 23rd January 2023: Study: Green transition in Central Eastern Europe opportunity for Austria
Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary are lagging behind in green transformation; Austria could benefit as a technology leader in climate and environment; Vienna should push cross-border cooperation
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- Friday, 13th January 2023: EU needs permanent investment fund for climate and energy
Additional 1% of EU GDP in public investment required annually; fiscal rules prevent necessary investment; financing via EU bonds economically and politically sensible
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- Wednesday, 30th November 2022: Foreign direct investment strengthens Central and Eastern Europe's economies
Direct investments from Germany and Austria with particularly positive effects on growth and employment; also reduce poverty and inequality; mutual benefits
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- Tuesday, 8th November 2022: Ukraine: Reconstruction plan needs some improvement
Overestimated growth potential; priorities and decentralised approach problematic; tax cuts counterproductive despite huge financial needs; reforms for EU accession positive
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- Wednesday, 19th October 2022: Economic forecast for Eastern Europe: The worst is yet to come
Higher growth in 2022, but a major downturn next year; Ukrainian economy in deep recession, but adjusting to war conditions; Russia: milder-than-expected recession in 2022 (-3.5%), but slump will continue next year (-3%); Possible escalation of the energy crisis could further darken the outlook
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- Tuesday, 11th October 2022: Study: Ageing population slows economic growth in the EU
New evidence that an older population hampers growth: despite the rising share of older workers, automation is not accelerated and possibly even slowed down
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- Monday, 3rd October 2022: Studie: Internationale Großunternehmen Innovationstreiber bei Klimaschutz
Direktinvestitionen multinationaler Firmen in Österreich forcieren über Spillover-Effekte Entwicklung grüner Technologien; Fachkräfte als Technologieträger
- Wednesday, 14th September 2022: Studie: Österreichs Export-Unternehmen ökonomisch und technologisch führend
Exportorientierte Firmen sorgen für die höchste Produktivität, Innovation, Beschäftigung und Wertschöpfung; Forschung und Entwicklung als Schlüssel für Erfolg; Politik sollte F&E, Exportmöglichkeiten und Produktivität fördern
- Wednesday, 6th July 2022: Economic forecast: Eastern Europe’s resilience likely to fade as war and inflation pressures mount
High inflation due to war in Ukraine, much lower growth in second half of the year, recession if energy crisis worsens; Russia: econonomic shock in stages; Ukraine shrinks sharply
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- Thursday, 23rd June 2022: Study: EU should start taking the Western Balkans seriously
EU needs new strategy; higher incomes as key, more EU transfers best lever; access to EU budget as game-changer; Russia could destabilise region
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- Thursday, 5th May 2022: Studie: Warum die Gemeinden jetzt investieren sollten
Corona und der Ukraine-Krieg machen öffentliche Investitionen in Klimaschutz, leistbares Wohnen, öffentlichen Verkehr, Bildung, Gesundheit oder Digitalisierung notwendiger denn je. Gebäudesanierungen könnten dabei helfen, Erdgas einzusparen und Beschäftigung zu schaffen.
- Wednesday, 27th April 2022: New forecast: Lower growth in Eastern Europe, Ukraine and Russia in deep recession
GDP minus in Ukraine at 38% to 45%; Russia shrinks by 9% to 15%, up to 28% inflation; EU-CEE with 3% growth; double-digit inflation in case of energy embargo against Russia
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- Tuesday, 5th April 2022: Ukraine war: Enormous damage for Ukraine and Russia, turning point for Europe
Ukraine facing economic collapse; Russia's economic relationship with the West unravelling, financing of the war not in danger without energy embargo; change in the EU
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- Tuesday, 8th February 2022: Ukraine crisis: Sanctions would have negative impact on Russia, the EU and Ukraine
Exclusion from SWIFT and the US dollar would be painful for Russia, but government prepared; Russia's increasing isolation from the West would exacerbate already weak growth prospects; EU: Rising inflation looming; Raiffeisen, Société Générale, Unicredit with Russia risk; Maintaining Ukraine’s macro-financial stability will require Western support
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- Wednesday, 26th January 2022: Winter Forecast: Eastern Europe still growing by 3.2% in 2022
Growth in 2022 will be 2.5 percentage points down on 2021 (forecasted at 5.7%); slowdown due to weakness of Russia and Turkey, withdrawal of pandemic aid, base effects; downside risks inflation, conflict with Russia, COVID-19 pandemic; Russian economy prepared for fresh sanctions; Austria will benefit from further recovery in CEE, main concern Russia
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- Tuesday, 25th January 2022: The climate effect of a ,European Silk Road'
A high-speed rail link between Western and Eastern Europe could make an important contribution to the EU’s climate goals and advance the economic integration of the continent.
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- Monday, 29th November 2021: Study: East Central Europe needs new growth model
In order to cope with the green and digital transformation, the EU member states of Central and East Europe (EU-CEE) must focus on innovation. This presents opportunities and challenges for Germany and Austria.
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Related: Press conference
- Wednesday, 3rd November 2021: Neue Studien: Corona verschlechterte Arbeitsmarktintegration von Flüchtlingen
Frauen, höher Gebildete und Jugendliche am stärksten betroffen; Krise eröffnete Chancen für Niedrigqualifizierte in atypischen Beschäftigungen
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- Wednesday, 20th October 2021: Autumn Forecast: Eastern Europe to grow by 5.4% this year
Growth forecast for 2021 raised by 1.2 percentage points; 3.7% growth in 2022; Spike in inflation a challenge for policy makers, but likely to be transitory; Transfers from EU reconstruction fund to be an important growth driver; Positive outlook
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- Monday, 11th October 2021: Lieferketten: Ein Drittel aller Importe in der EU anfällig für Schocks
Studie: Deutschland durch starke Industrie mit 35% betroffen, vor allem bei Hightech; robusteres Welthandelssystem und Rückverlagerung von Schlüsselindustrien notwendigrn
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- Monday, 4th October 2021: Western Balkans Summit: EU needs new strategy
New EU economic package for Western Balkans ‘more of the same’ instead of paradigm shift. Regional integration of national economies has brought little gains in prosperity. Close EU ties and access to EU budget necessary for catch-up process.
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- Wednesday, 15th September 2021: Covid-19 shows vulnerability of supply chains
One third of Austria's and the EU's non-European imports are vulnerable to economic shocks. Europe is heavily dependent on China and Southeast Asia for high-tech and medical products. A relocation of strategic industries and a more robust world trading system are needed.
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- Tuesday, 17th August 2021: Städtebund/wiiw-Studie: Österreichs Städte beim Lebensstandard an EU-Spitze
Öffentliche Dienstleistungen sorgen dafür, dass Großstädter*innen in Österreich so viel Geld für die schönen Dinge des Lebens bleibt wie in kaum einem anderen Land der EU.
- Wednesday, 7th July 2021: Cautious optimism as Eastern European economies adapt to COVID-19
wiiw raises its GDP forecast for 20 out of 23 countries of Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CESEE). On average, the region is projected to grow by 4.2% in 2021. A new wave of COVID-19 and premature fiscal tightening are the major risks to recovery.rn
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- Tuesday, 15th June 2021: Migration to Europe on the rise until 2030
Immigration will increase in the new decade, especially from Africa and the Middle East. The EU should manage it intelligently in close partnership with Africa.
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- Wednesday, 19th May 2021: Nearshoring Potential in the Western Balkans
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia are likely to benefit if a relocation of production from the Far East occurs after COVID-19. To have a major impact, it is essential to improve governance, education and transportation infrastructure.
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- Friday, 30th April 2021: China Hauptlieferant für Medizinbedarf in der Pandemie
Für Österreich und die ostmitteleuropäischen EU-Mitglieder avancierte die Volksrepublik zur wichtigsten Bezugsquelle von Medizin- und Hygieneprodukten. Die Importe vervielfachten sich teilweise, auch begünstigt durch EU-Zollerleichterungen. Das zeigt eine neue wiiw-Analyse von EU-Handelsdaten.
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- Wednesday, 14th April 2021: New wiiw forecasts for Eastern Europe: surging infections delay economic recovery
Many countries have sacrificed public health for economic growth in recent months. However, the worsening COVID-19 situation has forced them to renew economically damaging lockdowns. On average, wiiw projects growth of 3.8% for Eastern Europe in 2021.
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- Monday, 15th February 2021: 30 Jahre Österreich und die Visegrád-Staaten
Am 15. Februar 2021 jährt sich das informelle Bündnis der Visegrád-Staaten zum 30. Mal - Anlass für einen wirtschaftlichen Rückblick und eine Bilanz aus österreichischer Sicht. Die Handels- und Investitionsbeziehungen zwischen Österreich und den Visegrád-Ländern haben sich in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten deutlich vertieft. Die fünf Länder werden in Zukunft vor vielen gemeinsamen Herausforderungen stehen.
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- Friday, 29th January 2021: wiiw ranked third best international economic policy think tank in the world
The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) has retained its third place rank in the Global Go To Think Tank Report 2020 of the University of Pennsylvania.
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- Monday, 21st December 2020: Eastern Europe: Foreign Investments Hit by COVID-19 Pandemic
wiiw release its new wiiw FDI Report for Eastern Europe: In the first half of 2020, FDI inflows to Eastern Europe declined by 58% - more sharply than globally, but less so than in the developed economies. The future of FDI in the region will be shaped by economic nationalism and technological change.
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- Wednesday, 9th December 2020: Das wiiw trauert um Dipl.-Ing. Peter Havlik (1950–2020)
Der in Prag geborene Wirtschaftswissenschafter Dipl.-Ing. Peter Havlik ist am 2. Dezember, im 71. Lebensjahr, in Wien verstorben. Er war ab 1982 Russlandexperte am Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche (wiiw) und blieb nach seiner Pensionierung 2019 dem wiiw als Senior Research Associate verbunden. Von 1990 bis 2013 war er Stellvertretender Leiter des Instituts und damit für das Wirtschaftsmonitoring von 23 Ländern Osteuropas verantwortlich. Er war lange Jahre das Gesicht und die Stimme des wiiw bei der Präsentation der wiiw-Wirtschaftsprognosen.
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- Thursday, 3rd December 2020: Der Qualifikationsbedarf österreichischer ArbeitgeberInnen
In einer neuen Studie über den Qualifikationsbedarf österreichischer ArbeitgeberInnen analysierten wiiw ÖkonomInnen 1,5 Millionen Stelleninserate des Jobportals
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- Monday, 23rd November 2020: Inequality in Austria is higher than expected
The 10 percent of the Austrian population with the highest income earn more than three times the Austrian average and seven times more than the lowest-income half of the population. The majority of Austrians benefit from existing redistribution.
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- Wednesday, 11th November 2020: New wiiw economic forecast for Eastern Europe: No quick recovery in sight, coronavirus risks looming large
According to new projections released by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw), the recovery of Eastern European economies will be sluggish and will depend on success in containing the pandemic without resort to lengthy lockdowns, as well as on the continuation of government support measures.
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- Wednesday, 14th October 2020: Neue wiiw Studie analysiert den beruflichen Abstieg von Flüchtlingen in Österreich
Die Politik sollte ein andauerndes Missverhältnis zwischen Qualifikation und Arbeitsplatz vermeiden und dabei besonders auf höher Gebildete und auf Frauen fokussieren.
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- Monday, 14th September 2020: A change of EU strategy in the Western Balkans is long overdue
20 years of trying to drive political reconciliation via regional economic integration in the Western Balkans has produced disappointing results. New forms of differentiated integration with the EU provide a more promising route to increase economic development. A more decisive step forward in regional integration and the eventual admission of the six Western Balkan countries into the EU will require Brussels to tackle much more directly the major constitutional and territorial disputes in the region.
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- Thursday, 10th September 2020: Österreich & Osteuropa: Coronakrise stellt enge Wirtschaftsbeziehungen vor die größte Zerreißprobe seit den 1990er-Jahren.
Einige der wichtigsten osteuropäischen Wirtschaftspartner Österreichs sind von der Coronakrise besonders stark betroffen. Obwohl der Tiefpunkt des ersten Schocks überwunden scheint, könnten erneut steigende Infektionszahlen einen weiteren wirtschaftlichen Abschwung in der Region und damit einen Rückschlag für Österreich nach sich ziehen. Mittelfristig könnte die Krise jedoch einen wirtschaftlichen Wandel in den Ländern in Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa (MOSOEL) auslösen, von dem auch Österreich profitieren kann.
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- Thursday, 25th June 2020: Ukraine: reconstruction of Donbas will cost at least USD 21.7 billion or 16% of Ukraine’s GDP
A new wiiw study provides the first comprehensive calculation of the costs of the conflict and outlines a recovery plan for the region.
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- Thursday, 18th June 2020: How to Spend it - A Franco-German-Austrian proposal for a European Covid-19 recovery programme
The Recovery Fund recently proposed by the EU Commission marks a sea-change in European integration. Yet it will not be enough to meet the challenges Europe faces. In a joint Policy Note the Macroeconomic Policy Institute (IMK) in Düsseldorf, the Paris-based Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE) and the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) propose a 10-year, €2 trillion investment programme focusing on public health, transport infrastructure and energy/decarbonisation.
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- Tuesday, 5th May 2020: wiiw further cuts its forecast for economic growth in Eastern Europe wiping out at least two years of GDP growth
wiiw has today published its new forecast report for Eastern Europe. All 23 economies will experience a deep recession this year, wiping out at least two years of GDP growth.
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- Tuesday, 31st March 2020: Deep downturn for everyone; 2004 EU joiners look best positioned to cope economically
wiiw releases its first weekly update on Coronavirus in Eastern Europe
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- Monday, 16th March 2020: New wiiw economic forecast for Eastern Europe: Coronavirus impact on region will be worst since global financial crisis
Eastern European economies are set for their worst year since the global financial crisis, according to new projections released by the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw).
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Related: News | Press conference
- Friday, 31st January 2020: wiiw ranked third best international economic policy think tank in the world
The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw) improved its rank from 4th last year in the Global Go To Think Tank Report 2019 of the University of Pennsylvania.
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- Monday, 2nd December 2019: 'Integration works'
Three new wiiw studies reveal increasingly high employment rates among recently arrived refugees in Austria
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- Wednesday, 20th November 2019: One Trillion Euros for a European Silk Road
How to finance a European Silk Road with the help of a European Silk Road Trust, backed by a European Sovereign Wealth Fund and other financing instruments
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Related: News | Press conference
- Wednesday, 6th November 2019: Eastern Europe has come a long way in 30 years, but faces some serious challenges in a changing world
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- Tuesday, 5th November 2019: Braced for fallout from global slowdown
New wiiw forecast for 23 economies in Central, East and Southeast Europe in 2019 2021.
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- Thursday, 31st October 2019: Dissecting the global growth and productivity slowdown
A new wiiw study finds that the weakness of ICT investment and productivity is a major for behind the persistently slow economic growth over the past decade.
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- Thursday, 18th July 2019: Snap parliamentary elections in Ukraine could give carte blanche to Zelensky
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- Thursday, 4th July 2019: Eastern Europe standing firm in face of global headwinds
New wiiw forecast for Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE) in 2019-21, rnwith a focus on Austria’s relations with the region
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- Tuesday, 18th June 2019: EU should not delay the start of accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia
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- Wednesday, 12th June 2019: EU Faces a Tough Demographic Reckoning
By 2030, labour demand will equal labour supply in most of the EU, creating significant challenges for policy-makers and firms. These are the conclusions of a recent study by wiiw.
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- Wednesday, 5th June 2019: wiiw FDI Report 2019
FDI in Central, East and Southeast Europe: Mostly Robust Despite Global Downturn; Shift into Services
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- Monday, 27th May 2019: Faces of Convergence
15 years on, a new e-book presents personal accounts of the EU’s eastern enlargement
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- Friday, 17th May 2019: wiiw wins most forecast awards for CESEE countries
In total wiiw Economists were awarded 29 awards by Focus Economics across 12 countries in the region.
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- Tuesday, 30th April 2019: 15-year anniversary of EU eastward enlargement
There is much to be happy about, but also reasons to worry about the future of the region.
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- Tuesday, 2nd April 2019: New Managing Director at wiiw
Economist Dr. Mario Holzner takes over the management of the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw).
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- Wednesday, 27th March 2019: wiiw Spring Forecast 2019
Moving into the slow lane
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- Tuesday, 19th March 2019: Western Balkans Show Improved Labor Market Performance, but Challenges Remain for Women, Youth and Less Educated Workers
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- Monday, 11th March 2019: Turkish economy contracted sharply in Q4 2018: more difficult quarters ahead, but recovery likely by 2020
The recession is likely to continue for at least the first half of this year, and there are several downside risks to growth.
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- Thursday, 31st January 2019: wiiw maintains its position among the top international think tanks
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- Tuesday, 29th January 2019: Ten things to watch in CESEE this year. The region is set for a more difficult 2019, thanks to rising economic and political headwinds
EU politics, a packed election calendar, Brexit, migration battles, the US-China trade war and rnslower global growth will combine to make 2019 a challenging one for CESEE economies. rnAfter a strong 2017-18 for most of the region, a combination of negative external and rndomestic factors will test policymakers in the region this year.
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- Monday, 21st January 2019: wiiw Handbook of Statistics on Central, East and Southeast Europe 2018
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- Friday, 23rd November 2018: The growing internationalisation of Austrian exports
Trade, investment and migration links with CESEE are still extensive, but the real story of the last rndecade has been Austria’s increased integration with non-EU economies.
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- Wednesday, 7th November 2018: wiiw Autumn Forecast 2018
Robust growth in the face of increased negative risks
All wiiw press releases