Ex-post evaluation of balance of payments support operations to Hungary

Client/Funding Institution

European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs


This evaluation focused on assessing ex post the contribution of the EU financial assistance to Hungary made available in Nov. 2008. The exercise covered three main areas of analysis: (i) Economic impact of the BoP assistance on the Hungarian economy with and without IMF involvement. (ii) Value added of the EU intervention provided through the operation and (iii) Sustainability of the country’s external position as a result of the assistance. The project was undertaken within the "Multiple Framework Service Contract for the provision of evaluation and evaluation related services to DG ECFIN“, coordinated by Ecorys. A wiiw Senior Expert was part of the research team.


September 2011 - December 2012

wiiw team Leader

Sandor Richter

Project Partners


Keywords: economic policy, macroeconomic analysis

Countries covered: Hungary, New EU Member States

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
