Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe with Special Attention to Austrian FDI Activities in this Region


Gabor Hunya

wiiw FDI Report No. 2004-07, July 2004

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This 17th edition of the wiiw-wifo Database on foreign direct investment (FDI) contains end-2003 data for the Central and East European countries and a forecast of FDI inflows in the year 2004. Data for previous years have been revised according to the latest official reports. (Note in particular that 2003 data have been substantially revised compared to the previous edition.) Following this introduction we include a brief analysis of current FDI trends in CEECs. A further section is devoted to Austrian direct investments in the region.

The tables in Part I of the set of tables inform about both inward and outward FDI flows and stocks. The primary reporting of data is in euro; data in US dollar, if not directly reported, have been calculated. Part II tables report on FDI by investing country and targeted industry.

The sources of data are official publications, usually the National Banks of the respective countries: the balance of payments for flow data and the international investment position for stock data. If the latter is unavailable, stock data are calculated by adding up inflows. In addition, the breakdown by investing country and economic activity often uses different sources. Due to methodological unevenness, regional aggregates and cross-country comparisons are especially inaccurate. Detailed methodological explanations are given in footnotes and in Chapter 4. The data have been processed and commented on by Gábor Hunya (wiiw) and Jan Stankovsky (WIFO) with the help of statisticians of both institutes (Monika Schwarzhappel, wiiw, and Gabriele Wellan, WIFO).

In this joint effort wiiw and WIFO combine the overlapping parts of the two institutes' FDI databases. In addition to the tables presented in this publication, wiiw maintains a separate database concerning the performance of foreign investment enterprises in the CEECs, while WIFO runs a detailed database covering FDI by Austrian firms and FDI in Austria.


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw FDI Database

Countries covered: Visegrad countries

Research Areas: International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI
