Framework Contract: Assessment of EU policy impacts on industrial products and services sectors

Client/Funding Institution

European Commission, DG Grow


The full title of this multiple framework contract is: Procurement of studies and other supporting services on impact assessments and evaluations, Lot 1: Assessment of EU policy impacts on industrial products and services sectors. The purpose is to be able to have at its disposal an external pool of expertise that can be used whenever the need arises. This external pool of expertise is destined to support the DG’s own activities by providing input to research on the likely impacts and/or effectiveness of a specific policy or regulatory proposal. LOT 1 deals mainly with the potential impact of EU measures on economic activity at the sectoral or aggregate level. The objective will specifically be to analyse how the structure, the competitiveness and the growth potential of affected sector(s) are affected by EU measures. This could include the impact on innovation, looking at determinants such as the cost of innovation and the availability of financing and market factors (uncertainty of demand for new goods and services).


October 2013 - July 2017

wiiw team Leader

Robert Stehrer

Project Partners

Ecorys, Cambridge Econometrics, IDEA Consult, J, C&A

Countries covered: EU27

Research Areas: International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI, Sectoral studies
