wiiw Handbook of Statistics - Chapter
II. Data by countries - Albania
in: wiiw Handbook of Statistics 2012: CD-ROM - Excel
wiiw Handbook of Statistics No. 2012, November 2012
Individual chapter in Excel format of the Handbook of Statistics 2012 - Excel edition.
Chapter II. Structural indicators - Albania
- Main economic indicators
- GDP and gross value added by activities - NACE Rev. 1
- Employment by activities, by registration - NACE Rev. 1
- Employment by activities, by LFS - NACE Rev. 1
- Labour productivity and wages by activities - NACE Rev. 1
- GDP by expenditure
- Gross fixed investment by activities - NACE Rev. 1
- Foreign trade by country groupings
- Exports to the top thirty partners
- Imports from the top thirty partners
- Exports and imports by SITC commodity groups
- Balance of payments
Chapter I. Cross-country overview - Key macroeconomic indicators
- Overview developments 2010-2011 and outlook 2012-2014
- An overview of economic fundamentals in 2011
- Gross domestic product at exchange rates
- Gross domestic product at purchasing power parities (PPPs)
- Gross domestic product per capita at PPPs
- Gross domestic product
- Consumption of households
- Consumption of government
- Gross fixed capital formation
- Gross industrial production
- Gross agricultural production
- Population
- Natural increase of population
- Employed persons - LFS
- Employment rate - LFS
- Unemployment rate - LFS
- Unit labour costs
- Average gross monthly wages
- Consumer prices
- Producer prices in industry
- General government budget balance
- General government gross debt
- Current account
- Exports of goods (BOP)
- Imports of goods (BOP)
- Exports of services (BOP)
- Imports of services (BOP)
- Gross external debt
- Gross reserves of NB excluding gold
- Foreign direct investment inflow
- Foreign direct investment inward stock
- FDI inward stock in New EU Member States by country of origin
- FDI inward stock in SEE, Russia and Ukraine by country of origin
- FDI inward stock in New EU Member States by activities
- FDI inward stock in SEE, Russia and Ukraine by activities
- Exchange rates
- Real exchange rates
- Purchasing power parities
- Export prices
- Import prices
- Terms of trade
Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw FDI Database
Countries covered: Albania