LA-KLEMS: Economic Growth and Productivity in Latin America

Client/Funding Institution

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)


Within the LA-KLEMS project, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) facilitated the sustainable production of high-quality statistics of economic growth, productivity, employment, and capital formation by other asset types at the sectoral level in eight Latin American countries. This database aims to provide important information for the evaluation of policies, in particular for the evaluation of the contribution of information and communication technologies and labour inputs for economic growth and productivity. In this endeavour, wiiw advised the project team led by University of Santiago de Chile and participating agencies in strengthening their capacity to produce statistics according to EU KLEMS standards. On this basis eight national and one regional database using the methodologies of national accounts and growth accounting methodologies have been constructed. It also provided a detailed methodological assessment of the countries’ statistical practices in relation to the EU KLEMS standards.


May 2021 - October 2021

wiiw team Leader

Robert Stehrer

wiiw Staff

Robert Stehrer

Countries covered: Latin America

Research Areas: Sectoral studies
