wiiw Forecast Reports

MACEDONIA: Name disputes prolong uncertainty and delay hopes for growth-boosting connectivity


Peter Havlik

in: Strong Growth Amid Increased Negative Risks
wiiw Forecast Report No. Autumn 2018, November 2018 , pp. 108-110

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The Macedonian economy started to recover in 2018 owing to a strong revival of industry and solid export performance. Real GDP is projected to grow by about 3% per year in the medium term, although the chances of political instability suggest significant downside risks. The failed referendum on the country’s ‘name issue’ on 30 September will prolong the political crisis and may destabilise the country again with adverse economic consequences, regardless of the new name’s endorsement by the parliament in October.


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database

Countries covered: North Macedonia
