Models of BRICs' Economic Development and Challenges for EU Competitiveness


Jayati Ghosh, Peter Havlik, Marcos Poplawski-Ribeiro and Waltraut Urban

wiiw Research Report No. 359, December 2009
73 pages including 5 Tables, 9 Figures and 1 Box

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The term BRICs puts under a common label the four largest fast growing emerging countries: Brazil, Russia, India and China. The BRICs show many common features, such as big land size, large population, fast economic growth etc., but important differences as well, due to their different models of economic development and resources endowments. In this report, we discuss the different models of economic development of the individual BRIC countries, with a special focus on their external relations (trade, FDI) and on likely future developments. Brazil is a domestically oriented service economy; Russia's economic development is heavily dependent on energy and raw material resources; the Indian economy is essentially service-led, supported by exports; and China's economic development is driven by manufacturing exports and investment. Finally, we explore the resulting future challenges and opportunities for EU competitiveness.


Keywords: economic development, Brazil, Russia, India, China, the European Union, competitiveness

JEL classification: G01, O21, O53, O54, O57

Countries covered: Brazil, China, European Union, India, Russia

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI, Sectoral studies