Long-term impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on labour market integration of refugees (FIMAS reCOV)

Client/Funding Institution

International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)


FIMAS reCOV was the sixth wave of the Austrian longitudinal study on integration processes of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran in Austria. Its core focus lay in labour market integration, but also in the interactions with other integration domains such as social and cultural integration, educational integration, residential integration, integration into the health and other areas of the welfare system, which favour or hinder labour market integration. The project FIMAS reCOV followed up our longitudinal analysis by focusing on the impact of the Covid-crisis with its different phases (lockdowns, recoveries) on integration processes and labour market experiences of the different sub-groups of refugees (differentiated by age, gender, educational attainment, country of origin) and identified the particular challenges they face. The overall sample included over 2,700 respondents of which about a third had also participated in at least one of the previous five FIMAS waves. FIMAS reCOV built on and continued the previous five surveys FIMAS, FIMAS+INTEGRATION, FIMAS+INTEGRATION², FIMAS+YOUTH and FIMAS+Frauen.


March 2023 - December 2023

wiiw team Leader

Michael Landesmann

wiiw Staff

Corinna Covi, Veronika Janyrova, Sandra M. Leitner

Countries covered: Austria

Research Areas: Labour, Migration and Income Distribution
