Sandra M. Leitner
telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10-54
Sandra Leitner is Economist at wiiw. Her areas of interest and expertise revolve around the economics of innovation and technical change and related areas like growth and business cycle theory, labour and capital markets, entrepreneurship and investment theory. She specialises in applied micro-econometrics and possesses an in-depth knowledge of and expertise in national and international firm-level datasets. She has been involved in several EU framework projects, e.g. ‘The Competitiveness of firms, regions and industry in the knowledge-based economy: What room for job-rich growth in Europe? (MICRO-DYN), ‘World Input-Output Database’ (WIOD) and ‘Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union’ (I3U), as well as projects for the EU Commission on issues of innovation and employment. She holds a Ph.D. in economics awarded by the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, and an M.Sc. in Contemporary Asian Studies from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and is lecturer at the Johannes Kepler University Linz as well as at the University of Vienna, Austria.
List of Publications
External Publications wiiw PublicationsExternal Publications
Articles in refereed journals- 'Various Domains of Integration of Refugees and Their Interrelationships: A Study of Recent Middle Eastern Refugee Inflows in Austria' (with Michael Landesmann), European Journal of Population, Volume 41, 6, February 2025
- 'Working from home and mental well-being at different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic', PLoS ONE, 19(11): e0312299, November 2024
- 'The response of labour demand to different COVID-19 containment measures: evidence from online job postings in Austria' (with Oliver Reiter), Journal for Labour Market Research, Vol. 58, 17, August 2024, pp. 272-289
- 'A skill-specific dynamic labour supply and labour demand framework: A scenario analysis for the Western Balkan countries to 2030', in: Franco Peracchi (eds), Labour - Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Volume 36, Issue 4, December 2022, pp. 471-504
- 'The relative impact of different forces of globalization on wage inequality: A fresh look at the EU experience' (with Stefan Jestl and Sebastian Leitner), Review of International Economics, Wiley Online Library, Volume 30, Issue 4, September 2022, pp. 1003-1037
- 'Immigration and Offshoring: two forces of globalisation and their impact on employment and the bargaining power of occupational groups' (with Michael Landesmann), Review of World Economics, 2022
- 'Do Austrian Programmes Facilitate Labour Market Integration of Refugees?' (with Petra Eggenhofer‐Rehart, Roland Hosner, Michael Landesmann and Renate Ortlieb), International Migration, October 2020
- 'R&D and non-R&D innovators during the global financial crisis: The role of binding credit constraints' (with Robert Stehrer), Latin American Journal of Economics, Vol. 53, No. 1, 2016, pp. 1-38
- 'Financing constraints and firm growth in emerging Europe', South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2016, pp. 18-40
- 'Access to finance and composition of funding during the crisis: A firm level analysis of Latin American countries' (with Robert Stehrer), Latin American Journal of Economics, Vol. 50, No. 2, 2013, pp. 1-47
- 'Shapes and Determinants of Returns to Innovation' (with Robert Stehrer), Economics of Innovation and New Technology , Vol. 20, No. 8, 2011, pp. 777-795
- 'The business cycles in the Philippines: a characterization', Philippine Management Review, Vol. 12, 2005, pp. 9-22
- 'Global and Regional Value Chains' (with Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger), in: Mattia Di Ubaldo, Klaus S. Friesenbichler, Christian Glocker, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Werner Hölzl, Serguei Kaniovski, Agnes Kügler, Sandra M. Leitner, Andreas Reinstaller, Iulia Siedschlag, Robert Stehrer, Roman Stöllinger, Gerhard Streicher and Zuzanna Studnicka (eds), Drivers and Obstacles to Competitiveness in the EU. The Role of Value Chains and the Single Market, Chapter 4, WIFO, Vienna, 2017, pp. 202-290
- 'Impacts of R&D Internationalisation on domestic R&D Activities' (with Robert Stehrer), The Internationalisation of Business R&D, Chapter 11, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2014
- 'Host Country Determinants of R&D Internationalisation' (with Robert Stehrer), The Internationalisation of Business R&D, Chapter 9, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2014
- 'Determinants of International R&D Activities: Evidence from a Gravity Model' (with Bernhard Dachs and Robert Stehrer), in: Thomas Scherngell (eds), The geography of networks and R&D collaborations, Chapter 10, Advances in Spatial Science, Springer, 2013, pp. 175-200
- 'Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact' (with Bernhard Dachs, Neil Foster-McGregor, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Franziska Kampik, Thomas Scherngell, Robert Stehrer, Waltraut Urban and Georg Zahradnik), European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation, Luxembourg, 2012
- 'Die Produktionsverflechtung der verarbeitenden Industrie mit Unternehmensdienstleistungen – Segen oder Fluch?' (with Robert Stehrer), Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, Vol. 64, No. 1, 2017, pp. 35-45
- 'The impact of migration to the EU on labour shortages in the Western Balkans: Policy implications' (with Pascal Beckers, Tesseltje de Lange, Mahdi Ghodsi and Ksenija Ivanović), GS4S Policy briefs (D2.3), Policy brief no. 1, November 2024
- 'Offshoring, Technological Change, Labour Market Institutions and the Demand for Typical and Atypical Employment in Europe' (with Wojciech Symczak, Piotr Lewandowski and Alireza Sabouniha), Horizon 2020 - WeLaR, Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Deliverable: D4.2, May 2024
- 'Offshoring, technological change and the quality of work in the EU: On the mediating role of trade unions' (with Laetitia Hauret, Ursula Holtgrewe and Ludivine Martin), Horizon 2020 - WeLaR, Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Deliverable: D5.3, March 2024
- 'Employment effects of offshoring, technological change and migration in a group of Western European economies: Impact on different occupations' (with Michael Landesmann), European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, UNTANGELD, Working Paper, November 2022
- 'The Automatisation Challenge Meets the Demographic Challenge: In Need of Higher Productivity Growth' (with Robert Stehrer), ECFIN Discussion papers, No. 117, October 2019
- 'The Future Development of EU Exports in a Global Context' (with Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger), CASE Working Papers, No. 8 (132), November 2017
- 'Trade integration, production fragmentation and performance in Europe - blessing or curse? A comparative analysis of the New Member States and the EU-15' (with Robert Stehrer), GRINCOH, WP5, May 30th, 2014
- 'Change begets change: Employment effects of technological and non-technological innovations – A comparison across countries' (with Johannes Pöschl and Robert Stehrer), MICRO-DYN Working Paper, No. 32/10, 2010
- 'Do exporters share parts of their rents with their employees? Evidence from Austrian manufacturing firms' (with Robert Stehrer), MICRO-DYN Working Paper, No. 31/10, 2010
- 'Skewed Distributions and Returns to Innovative Firms in Austria' (with Robert Stehrer), MICRO-DYN Working Paper, No.12/08, 2008
wiiw Publications
wiiw Monthly Reports- 'What drives the demand for typical and atypical employment in Europe?' (with Alireza Sabouniha), in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 10/2024, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2024, pp. 14-21
- 'Various domains of integration of refugees and their interrelationship: A study of recent refugees in Austria' (with Michael Landesmann), Monthly Report No. 7-8/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July/August 2019, pp. 10-15
- 'The drivers and effects of eco-innovations: what is the role of public policy intervention?', Monthly Report No. 5/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2018, pp. 13-16
- 'On the use of different public innovation commercialisation measures in the EU-28', Monthly Report No. 9/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 9, Vienna, September 2017, p. 12-16
- 'Choosing the right partner: R&D cooperations and innovation success in CESEE and CIS economies', Monthly Report No. 9/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 9, Vienna, September 2017, pp. 17-21
- 'Intra-EU mobility and push and pull factors in EU labour markets: a panel VAR model' (with Michael Landesmann), Monthly Report No. 3/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2016, pp. 16-20
- 'Firm growth and financing constraints in the NMS-10 and the Western Balkan countries – a comparative analysis', Monthly Report No. 2/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2016, pp. 6-8
- 'Financing constraints in CESEE and FSU countries' (with Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer), Monthly Report No. 2/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2016, pp. 9-12
- 'Effects of financing constraints on M&E-investment-based innovation strategies' (with Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer), Monthly Report No. 2/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2016, pp. 13-15
- 'Job-skill mismatch patterns in EU labour markets: migrants versus natives' (with Stefan Jestl and Michael Landesmann), Monthly Report No. 6/2015, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2015, pp. 4-10
- 'The role of business services linkages for manufacturing performance in EU Member States', Monthly Report No. 3/2015, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2015, pp. 14-17
- 'Energy intensity, energy cost shares and industrial competitiveness' (with Vasily Astrov, Olga Pindyuk and Robert Stehrer), Monthly Report No. 2/2015, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2015, pp. 15-19
- 'Developments of the gender wage gap in the European Union – reason for hope?' (with Robert Stehrer), Monthly Report No. 11/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2014, pp. 11-13
- 'Determinants of SMEs’ funding obstacles – a comparative analysis of EU-15 and NMS-13 countries' (with Marek Rojicek), Monthly Report No. 10/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2014, p. 17-20
- 'Mobility patterns in the European Union: the role and impact of migrants' (with Michael Landesmann), Monthly Report No. 4/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2014, pp. 3-7
- 'Trade integration, vertical specialisation and employment growth in the new Member States' (with Robert Stehrer), Monthly Report No. 3/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2014, pp. 4-6
- 'R&D and non-R&D innovators in the financial crisis: the role of binding credit constraints' (with Robert Stehrer), Monthly Report No. 6/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2013, pp. 6-12
- 'The gravity of cross-border R&D expenditure ' (with Bernhard Dachs and Robert Stehrer), Monthly Report No. 8-9/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2012, pp. 1-6
- 'Labour hoarding during the crisis: Evidence for selected new member states from the Financial Crisis Survey' (with Robert Stehrer), Monthly Report No. 7/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7, Vienna, July 2012, pp. 7-13
- 'Demographic Challenges for Labour Supply and Growth' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Research Report, No. 439, Vienna, March 2019
- 'Global and Regional Value Chains: How Important, How Different?' (with Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Research Report, No. 427, Vienna, April 2018
- 'The Evolving Composition of Intra-EU Trade' (with Manuel Marcias, Daniel Mirza, Olga Pindyuk, Iulia Siedschlag, Robert Stehrer, Roman Stöllinger and Zuzanna Studnicka), wiiw Research Report, No. 414, Vienna, November 2016
- 'The Future Development of EU Industry in a Global Context' (with Manuel Marcias, Daniel Mirza, Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Research Report, No. 409, Vienna, January 2016
- 'Energy Efficiency and EU Industrial Competitiveness: Energy Costs and their Impact on Manufacturing Activity' (with Vasily Astrov, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Olga Pindyuk, Johannes Pöschl and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Research Report, No. 405, Vienna, August 2015
- 'The Relation between Industry and Services in Terms of Productivity and Value Creation' (with Paul Baker, Neil Foster-McGregor, Koenen Johannes, Julia Schricker, Robert Stehrer, Thomas Strobel, Jurgen Vermeulen, Hans-Günther Vieweg and Anastasia Yagafarova), wiiw Research Report, No. 404, Vienna, July 2015
- 'Migrants and Natives in EU Labour Markets: Mobility and Job-Skill Mismatch Patterns' (with Stefan Jestl and Michael Landesmann), wiiw Research Report, No. 403, Vienna, July 2015
- 'Competitiveness of the European Economy' (with Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Research Report, No. 401, Vienna, May 2015
- 'Earnings Distributions and Dimensions of Inequality ' (with Neil Foster-McGregor, Sebastian Leitner, Johannes Pöschl and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Research Report, No. 399, Vienna, December 2014
- 'Trade Integration, Production Fragmentation and Performance in Europe - Blessing or Curse? A Comparative Analysis of the New Member States and the EU-15' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Research Report, No. 397, Vienna, November 2014
- 'Sectoral Employment Effects of Economic Downturns' (with Neil Foster-McGregor, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Sebastian Leitner, Nirina Rabemiafara, Fadila Sanoussi, Robert Stehrer and Terry Ward), wiiw Research Report, No. 379, Vienna, August 2012
- 'Offshoring, technological change, labour market institutions and the demand for typical and atypical employment in Europe' (with Alireza Sabouniha), wiiw Working Paper, No. 259, Vienna, December 2024
- 'Offshoring, technological change and the quality of work in the EU: On the mediating role of trade unions' (with Laetitia Hauret, Ursula Holtgrewe and Ludivine Martin), wiiw Working Paper, No. 258, Vienna, December 2024
- 'Skills-oriented migration in the Western Balkans: Linking workers’ migration aspirations to skill shortages in destination and origin countries' (with Pascal Beckers, Mahdi Ghodsi, Ksenija Ivanović, Friedrich Poeschel and Alireza Sabouniha), wiiw Working Paper, No. 252, Vienna, October 2024
- 'Working from Home and Mental Well-being in the EU at Different Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Gendered Look at Key Mediators', wiiw Working Paper, No. 244, Vienna, March 2024
- 'The Response of Labour Demand to Different COVID-19 Containment Measures: Evidence from Online Job Postings in Austria' (with Oliver Reiter), wiiw Working Paper, No. 243, Vienna, March 2024
- 'Occupational Trajectories Among Refugees in Austria: The Role of Co-ethnic and Austrian Social Networks in Job Search', wiiw Working Paper, No. 232, Vienna, November 2023
- 'Functional Specialisation and Working Conditions in Europe' (with Roman Stöllinger and Zuzana Zavarská), wiiw Working Paper, No. 227, Vienna, May 2023
- 'Employment Effects of Offshoring, Technological Change and Migration in a Group of Western European Economies: Impact on Different Occupations' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Working Paper, No. 226, Vienna, March 2023
- 'Does my Computer Protect me from Burnout? Cross-country Evidence on the Impact of ICT use within the Job Demands-Resources Model' (with Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Working Paper, No. 216, Vienna, June 2022
- 'A Skill-specific Dynamic Labour Supply and Labour Demand Framework: A Scenario Analysis for the Western Balkan Countries to 2030', wiiw Working Paper, No. 200, Vienna, June 2021
- 'Net Migration and its Skill Composition in the Western Balkan Countries between 2010 and 2019: Results from a Cohort Approach Analysis', wiiw Working Paper, No. 197, Vienna, March 2021
- 'Employers’ Skills Requirements in the Austrian Labour Market: On the Relative Importance of ICT, Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills over the Past 15 Years' (with Oliver Reiter), wiiw Working Paper, No. 190, Vienna, December 2020
- 'Refugees’ Integration into the Austrian Labour Market: Dynamics of Occupational Mobility and Job-Skills Mismatch' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Working Paper, No. 188, Vienna, October 2020
- 'Immigration and Offshoring: Two Forces of Globalisation and Their Impact on Employment and the Bargaining Power of Occupational Groups' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Working Paper, No. 174, Vienna, January 2020
- 'The Automatisation Challenge Meets the Demographic Challenge: In Need of Higher Productivity Growth' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 171, Vienna, December 2019
- 'Various Domains of Integration of Refugees and their Interrelationships: A Study of Recent Refugee Inflows in Austria' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Working Paper, No. 168, Vienna, November 2019
- 'Eco-Innovation: Drivers, Barriers and Effects – A European Perspective', wiiw Working Paper, No. 159, Vienna, December 2018
- 'Immigration and Innovation' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Working Paper, No. 158, Vienna, December 2018
- 'Immigration and Offshoring' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Working Paper, No. 156, Vienna, November 2018
- 'The Relative Impact of Different Forces of Globalisation on Wage Inequality: A Fresh Look at the EU Experience' (with Stefan Jestl and Sebastian Leitner), wiiw Working Paper, No. 154, Vienna, November 2018
- 'The Role of Financial Constraints for Different Innovation Strategies: Evidence for CESEE and FSU Countries' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 125, Vienna, April 2016
- 'Choosing the Right Partner: R&D Cooperations and Innovation Success', wiiw Working Paper, No. 124, Vienna, February 2016
- 'Changing Patterns in M&E-Investment-Based Innovation Strategies in CESEE and FSU Countries' (with Michael Landesmann and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 123, Vienna, January 2016
- 'Intra-EU Mobility and Push and Pull Factors in EU Labour Markets: Estimating a Panel VAR Model' (with Michael Landesmann and Isilda Mara), wiiw Working Paper, No. 120, Vienna, August 2015
- 'Labour Mobility of Migrants and Natives in the European Union: An Empirical Test of the 'Greasing of the Wheels’ Effect of Migrants' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Working Paper, No. 119, Vienna, August 2015
- 'What Determines SMEs’ Funding Obstacles to Bank Loans and Trade Credits?' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 114, Vienna, May 2015
- 'Should I Stay, Should I Go Back or Should I Move Further? Contrasting Answers under Diverse Migration Regimes' (with Michael Landesmann and Isilda Mara), wiiw Working Paper, No. 111, Vienna, January 2015
- 'R&D and Non-R&D Innovators in the Financial Crisis: the Role of Binding Credit Constraints' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 95, Vienna, February 2013
- 'The Gravity of Cross-border R&D Expenditure' (with Bernhard Dachs and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 91, Vienna, July 2012
- 'Labour Hoarding during the Crisis: Evidence for selected New Member States from the Financial Crisis Survey' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 84, Vienna, June 2012
- 'Access to Finance and Composition of Funding during the Crisis: A firm-level analysis for Latin American countries' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 78, Vienna, February 2012
- 'Do Exporters Share Part of their Rents with their Employees? Evidence from Austrian Manufacturing Firms' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 73, Vienna, February 2011
- 'Change Begets Change: Employment Effects of Technological and Non-Technological Innovations - a Comparison across Countries' (with Johannes Pöschl and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Working Paper, No. 72, Vienna, January 2011
- 'Firm growth and financing constraints in the NMS-10 and the Western Balkan countries – a comparative analysis', wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 115, Vienna, October 2015
- 'The impact of migration to the EU on labour shortages in the Western Balkans: Policy implications' (with Pascal Beckers, Tesseltje de Lange, Mahdi Ghodsi and Ksenija Ivanović), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 87, Vienna, December 2024
- 'wiiw Studies on the Integration of Middle Eastern Refugees in Austria, Based on FIMAS Surveys and Register-based Labour Market Career Data' (with Stefan Jestl, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara and Maryna Tverdostup), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 74, Vienna, December 2023
- 'Net Migration and its Skill Composition in the Western Balkan Countries between 2010 and 2019: Results from a Cohort Approach', wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 47, Vienna, March 2021
- 'Refugees‘ Integration in the Austrian Labour Market: Occupational Mobility and Job-Skills Mismatch' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 41, Vienna, October 2020
- 'EU Faces a Tough Demographic Reckoning' (with Richard Grieveson and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 30, Vienna, June 2019
- 'Problematik der Arbeitsmarktintegration von geflüchteten in Österreich in Zeiten der Coronakrise - Sonderauswertung des FIMAS Flüchtlingspanels' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 19, Vienna, November 2021
- 'How successful is the labour-market integration of refugees in Austria?' (with Stefan Jestl, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara and Maryna Tverdostup), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, December 2023
- 'The Corona crisis: A setback for the labour market integration of refugees?' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2021
- 'COVID-19 took a heavy toll on labour demand in Austria' (with Oliver Reiter), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, May 2021
- 'Evidence of brain gain for some Western Balkan countries', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, March 2021
- 'Evidence of changing demand for skills among Austria’s firms' (with Oliver Reiter), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, December 2020
- 'New wiiw study: Refugees in Austria often start work in jobs that they are overqualified for' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, October 2020
- 'How do immigration and offshoring affect native workers?' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, February 2020
- 'Recent refugee arrivals in Austria: Challenges to social and labour market integration' (with Michael Landesmann), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2019
- 'EU faces a tough demographic reckoning' (with Richard Grieveson and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, June 2019