Monthly Report No. 6/2013


Rumen Dobrinsky, Sandra M. Leitner, Leon Podkaminer and Robert Stehrer

wiiw Monthly Report No. 6, June 2013
28 pages including 13 Tables and 4 Figures

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  • Real economic convergence within the EU (by Rumen Dobrinsky; pp. 1- 5)
    Keywords: convergence, panel regressions
    Countries covered: European Union
    Topics: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
  • R&D and non-R&D innovators in the financial crisis: the role of binding credit constraints (by Sandra M. Leitner and Robert Stehrer; pp. 6-12)
    Keywords: innovation, R&D financing, credit rationing, panel regressions
    Countries covered: Latin America
    Topics: Sectoral studies
  • Global output growth: likely to be wage-led rather than profit-led (by Leon Podkaminer; pp. 13-15)
    Keywords: wage-led growth, demand-led growth, globalization, capital formation
    Countries covered: non-specific
    Topics: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
  • Statistical Annex: Selected monthly data on the economic situation in Central, East and Southeast Europe (pp. 17-27)


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Monthly Database

Keywords: convergence, panel regressions, innovation, R&D financing, credit rationing, panel regressions, wage-led growth, demand-led growth, globalization, capital formation

Countries covered: European Union, Latin America, non specific

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Sectoral studies
