Leon Podkaminer
email: wiiw@wiiw.ac.at
telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10
Leon Podkaminer is Senior Research Associate at wiiw. His research focuses on economic policy, macroeconomic analysis, exchange rates, integration, globalisation, patterns of consumption and relative prices. He is also country expert for Poland and Czechia. From 2006 through 2009 he was a member of the Panel of Monetary Experts to the European Parliament. He has published extensively (e.g. in The Review of Economics and Statistics, Cambridge Journal of Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Metroeconomica, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, etc.).
List of Publications
External Publications wiiw PublicationsExternal Publications
Articles in refereed journals- 'Rising public debt and the short-term interest rates: Is there a link?', Bank & Credit, Vol. 53, No. 3, 2022, pp. 325-341
- 'Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium: macroeconomics at a dead end', Bank & Credit, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2021, pp. 97-122
- 'Does trade support global output growth? Further evidence on the global trade-global output connection', Bank & Credit, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2021, pp. 23-36
- 'Is better economic integration in the EU possible?', European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Vol. 16, No. 3, 2019, pp. 370-380
- 'Negative natural interest rates and secular stagnation: much ado about nothing? A note ', Real-World Economics Review, No. 90, 2019, pp. 126-132
- 'Permanent fiscal deficits are desirable for the high income countries: A note', Real-World Economics Review, No. 88, 2019, pp. 159-162
- 'The private saving glut and the developed countries' government financial balance', Review of Keynesian Economics, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2019, pp. 94-107
- 'A tale of two Germanies. Any lessons for Central Europe? A note', Real-World Economics Review, No. 86, 2018, pp. 149-151
- 'A brief critical note regarding recent “crowding out” claims ', Real-World Economics Review, No. 85, 2018, pp. 142-144
- 'The decline in investment shares is not caused by falling relative prices of capital: a note', Empirica, 2018
- ''Old’ Europe’s wage dynamics and trade imbalances: Is there a link?', Empirica, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2018, pp. 395-408
- 'Globalization, secular stagnation, and soft national balances: A pro-equilibrium manifesto', Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 68, No. s1, 2018, pp. 141-152
- 'Labour productivity growth slowdown: An effect of economic stagnation rather than its cause?', Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 67, No. s1, 2017, pp. 67-77
- '“Thirlwall’s Law” reconsidered', Empirica, Vol. 44, No. 1, 2017, pp. 29–57
- 'Economic disintegration of the European Union: Not unavoidable, but probable', Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 66, No. s1, 2016, pp. 49-60
- 'Central and Eastern Europe: Trapped in integration?', Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 65, No. s1, 2015, pp. 83-106
- 'Does trade drive global output growth?', Bank i Kredyt, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2014, pp. 311-330
- 'Persistent gaps between purchasing power parities and exchange rates under the law of one price: A puzzle (partly) explained?', Bank i Kredyt, Vol. 44, No. 4, 2013, pp. 333-352
- 'What kind of socio-economic order do we need in Europe?' (with Kazimierz Laski), Studia Ekonomiczne, Vol. LXXV, No. 4, 2012, pp. 449-461
- 'The basic paradigms of the EU economic policy-making need to be changed' (with Kazimierz Laski), Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2012, pp. 253-271
- 'Why are goods cheaper in rich European Countries: Beyond the Balassa-Samuelson Effect', Metroeconomica, Vol. 62, No. 4, November 2011, pp. 712-728
- 'Common monetary policy with uncommon wage policies: Centrifugal forces tearing the euro area apart' (with Kazimierz Laski), Intervention: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, Vol. 8, No. 1, May 2011
- 'Real Convergence and Price Levels: Long-Term Tendencies vs. Short-Term Performance in the Enlarged European Union', Metroeconomica, Vol. 61, No. 4, 2010, pp. 640-664
- 'Real Convergence and Inflation: A Quantification and and Its Implications For Integration with the Euro Area', Bank i Kredyt, No. 4, 2008
- 'A note on the statistical verification of Marx', Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2005, pp.657-658
- 'Why is food cheaper in rich (European) countries?', Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, Vol. 57, No. 230, 2003, pp. 297-328
- 'A Note on Evolution of Inequality in Poland', Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 27, No. 5, 2003, pp. 755-768
- 'Analytical Notes on the Balassa-Samuelson Effect', Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Quarterly Review, Vol. 56, No. 226, 2003, pp. 207-222
- 'Inflationary Effects of High Nominal Interest Rates', Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1998
- 'Downward-Sloping Aggregate Supply Functions, Upward-Sloping Aggregate Demand Functions', Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 20, No. 2, 1998
- 'Household Behavior under "Austerity" Stabilization of Hyperinflation: The Roots of Fragility', Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1995
- 'Retrading of Goods under Repressed Inflation: Implications for the Supply Multipliers', Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 16, No. 2, 1992, pp. 315-327
- 'Plans and Disequilibria in Centrally Planned Economies. Empirical Investigations for Poland' (with W. Charemza and Kazimierz Laski), Journal of Economics - Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie, Vol. 52, No. 2, 1990, pp. 199-204
- 'On quantity-constrained expenditure systems once again', Journal of Comparative Economics, No. 3, 1990
- 'Macroeconomic Disequilibria in Centrally Planned Economies: Identifiability of Econometric Models Derived from Models of Household Behaviour Under Quantity Constraints', Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 13, No. 4, 1989, pp. 580-582
- 'Disequilibrium in Poland’s Consumer Markets: Further Evidence on Intermarket Spillovers', Journal of Comparative Economics, No. 1, 1988
- 'On Polish Disequilibria Once Again', Soviet Studies, No. 3, 1987
- 'The Demand for Calories in Developing Countries', American Journal of Agricultural Economics, No. 1, 1986
- 'Investment Cycles in Centrally Planned Economies, Market Disequilibrium and Labour Shortages', Acta Oeconomica, No. 1-2, 1985
- 'Cross-Country Demand Systems and Centrally Planned Economies ' (with R. Finke and H. Theil), Economics Letters, No. 3-4, 1984
- 'Estimates of Disequilibria in Poland’s Consumer Markets', The Review of Economics and Statistics, No. 3, 1982
- 'Towards a theory for a practical optimisation model for a farm', Oxford Agrarian Studies, No. 2, 1973
- 'On the Distribution of the Numbers of Cyclically Occurring Random Events', Journal of Applied Probability, No. 3, 1972
- 'The Influence of the Changes in the Matrix Elements in Linear Programming Problems upon the Value of the Objective Function', Ekonomicko-Matematicky Obzor, No. 3, 1970
- Institutional determinants of the financial systems' functioning', WSFiP, Bielsko-Biala, Poland, 2016
- 'Economic stagnation in the Euro Area', in: Flavia Dantas and L. Randall Wray (eds), Handbook of Economic Stagnation, Chapter 8, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2022, pp. 159-180
- 'Global stagnation: Causes and Cures (in Polish)', in: Elzbieta Maczynska (eds), Ekonomia i polityka. Wokół teorii G. W. Kołodko, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warsaw, 2019, pp. 288-302
- 'Central and Eastern Europe: Current conditions and medium-term prospects', in: Leon Podkaminer (eds), Institutional determinants of the financial systems' functioning', WSFiP, Bielsko-Biala, Poland, 2016, pp. 25-52
- 'Net Private Savings in Relation to the Financial Balance of the Government' (with Kazimierz Laski), in: Óscar Dejuán, Eladio Febrero-Paños and Jorge Uxo Gonzalez (eds), Post-Keynesian Views of the Crisis and its Remedies, Chapter 9, Routledge Critical Studies in Finance and Stability, Routledge, 2013
- 'Net Private Savings in Relation to the Government's Financial Balance' (with Kazimierz Laski), Economic Crisis and Political Economy, Chapter 7, Palgrave Studies in History of Economic Thought Series, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
- 'Schuldenkrise und realwirtschaftliche Divergenzen im Euro-Raum' (with Roman Stöllinger), Österreichs Außenwirtschaft 2010, Chapter 11, Kompetenzzentrum Forschungsschwerpunkt Internationale Wirtschaft (FIW), Vienna, December 2010, pp. 196-208
- 'Poland's Competitive Position in the Enlarged EU', in: Walter Leal Filho and Marzenna Anna Weresa (eds), Achieving Competitiveness Through Innovation, P.Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a.M., 2007
- 'Distributional Effects of Evolving Government Fiscal Policies in Poland', in: D. Papadimitriou (eds), The Distribitional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2006
- 'External Liberalization, Growth and Distribution: The Polish Experience', in: Lance Taylor (eds), External Liberalization, Growth and Social Policy, Oxford University Press, New York, 2006
- 'Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Longer-Term Growth Prospects' (with Robert Stehrer), Proceedings of OeNB workshops, No. 9: New Regional Economics in Central European Economies, OENB, Vienna, 2006
- 'Is Rapid, Long -Term Growth Likely ?', in: Grzegorz W. Kolodko (eds), The Polish Miracle, Ashgate, 2005
- 'Wages, Prices and Exchange Rates: Competitiveness vs. Convergence', in: Michael Dauderstädt and Lothar Witte (eds), Cohesive Growth in the Enlarging Euroland, F. Ebert Stiftung, 2001
- 'Non-tradable Goods and Deviations between Purchasing Power Parities and Exchange Rates: Evidence from the 1990 European Comparison Project', in: Hubert Gabrisch (eds), Macroeconomic Problems of EU Eastern Enlargement, MacMillan, 1999
- 'The Monetary Policy and Its Effects', in: L. Zienkowski (eds), Polish Economy in 1990-1992, ZBSE GUS i PAN, 1993
- 'Macroeconomic Policy for the Transitional Reforms in the Centrally-Planned Economies', in: János Mátyás Kovács and Márton Tardos (eds), Reform and Transformation in Eastern Europe, Routledge, 1992
- 'A Planning Scheme Combining the Input-Output Approach and the Consumer Demand Analysis, co-authored', in: R. Patton (eds), Conference Volume of the VIII International Input-Output Conference, Oxford University Press
- 'The estimates of Disequilibria in Poland’s Consumer Markets', in: A. Kelley, W. Sanderson and John Williamson (eds), Modeling Growing Economies in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium, Duke U. Press, 1983
- 'The ‘Great Disinflation’: The Importance of the ‘China Factor’ Is Overstated. A Note', Real-World Economics Review, Issue 99, March 2022, pp. 151-156
- 'Popyt na żywność w świetle danych Międzynarodowego Programu Porównawczego dla 2011 r. (= Demand for Food: Evidence from the ECP 2011 Data)', Zagadnienia Ekonomiki Rolnej, No. 4, 2017, pp. 154-168
- 'The euro area’s secular stagnation and what can be done about it. A post - Keynesian perspective', Real-World Economics Review, No. 70, 2015, pp. 2-16
- 'Global output growth: wage-led rather than profit-led?', Real-World Economic Review, No. 65, 2013, pp. 116-119
- 'Wien und die Großstädte Ost-Mitteleuropas - Ein Vergleich anhand ausgewählter Sozial- und Wirtschaftsindikatoren' (with Josef Pöschl), Statistische Mitteilungen der Stadt Wien, No. 3/2000, 2000
- 'Deficyt budżetowy? Nie panikować', Rzeczpospolita, February 5th 2020
- 'Dlaczego (nie) powinniśmy być w strefie euro', Rzeczpospolita, January 23rd 2020
- 'Deficyt budżetowy służy sektorowi prywatnemu', Forsal.pl, January 9th 2020
- 'Stop podwyżkom cen prądu', Rzeczpospolita, October 27th 2019
- 'Niekoniecznie koniec świata', Rzeczpospolita, October 6th 2019
- 'Władzo, broń klimatu naszego powszedniego!', Rzeczpospolita, August 28th 2019
- 'Ograniczyć agresywny merkantylizm', Rzeczpospolita, October 25th 2018
- 'Czego nas uczy doświadczenie byłej NRD', Rzeczpospolita, October 15th 2018
- 'Trade Does NOT Drive Global Output Growth', e-axes, 2014
- 'Die Lohnentwicklung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Mitgliedsländern der EU' (with Vasily Astrov, Mario Holzner, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara and Armon Rezai), Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, No. 178, Vienna, Juli 2018
wiiw Publications
wiiw Forecast Reports- 'CZECHIA: Turnaround subdued by central bank activity', Recovery Beating Expectations, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2021, Vienna, October 2021, pp. 50-53
- 'POLAND: Prospects reasonably good, but extraordinarily uncertain', Recovery Beating Expectations, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2021, Vienna, October 2021, pp. 94-97
- 'CZECHIA: Light at the end of the tunnel?', Darkest before the dawn?, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2021, Vienna, April 2021, pp. 64-67
- 'POLAND: Not bad, in these circumstances', Darkest before the dawn?, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2021, Vienna, April 2021, pp. 106-109
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: No V-shaped recovery in sight', No Quick Recovery in Sight, with Coronavirus Risks Looming Large, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2020, Vienna, November 2020, pp. 56-59
- 'POLAND: This time not quite a success story', No Quick Recovery in Sight, with Coronavirus Risks Looming Large, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2020, Vienna, November 2020, pp. 96-99
- 'POLAND: Soft landing', Uncertainty in Turbulent Times, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2020, Vienna, March 2020, pp. 123-126
- 'Special section: The impact of the Coronavirus on CESEE economies' (with Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Sandor Richter, Bernd Christoph Ströhm and Hermine Vidovic), Uncertainty in Turbulent Times, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2020, Vienna, March 2020, pp. 35-47
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: Weak growth at nearly full employment', Uncertainty in Turbulent Times, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2020, Vienna, March 2020, pp. 83-86
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: Weak growth at full employment', Braced for Fallout from Global Slowdown, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2019, Vienna, November 2019, pp. 60-63
- 'POLAND: Soft landing ahead is a possibility', Braced for Fallout from Global Slowdown, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2019, Vienna, November 2019, pp. 97-100
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: Stability and (undue) caution', Moving Into the Slow Lane, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2019, Vienna, March 2019, pp. 80-83
- 'POLAND: Slower growth a real possibility', Moving Into the Slow Lane, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2019, Vienna, March 2019, pp. 119-123
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: Balanced but moderating growth', Strong Growth Amid Increased Negative Risks, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2018, Vienna, November 2018, pp. 80-83
- 'POLAND: Can strong growth supported by public sector spending continue much longer?', Strong Growth Amid Increased Negative Risks, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2018, Vienna, November 2018, pp. 114-117
- 'Convergence monitor: Positive trends but long-term challenges', Strong Growth Amid Increased Negative Risks, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2018, Vienna, November 2018, pp. 38-44
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: Broad-based but quite moderate growth', Riding the Global Growth Wave, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2018, Vienna, March 2018, pp. 90-93
- 'POLAND: Steady consumption - driven expansion', Riding the Global Growth Wave, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2018, Vienna, March 2018, pp. 125-129
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: Broad-based growth', CESEE Back on Track to Convergence, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2017, Vienna, November 2017, pp. 67-70
- 'POLAND: Consumption-driven expansion ', CESEE Back on Track to Convergence, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2017, Vienna, November 2017, pp. 99-102
- 'Special section I: Convergence: A long-term matter ', CESEE Back on Track to Convergence, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2017, Vienna, November 2017, pp. 17-22
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: Close to full employment, growing moderately', Cautious Upturn in CESEE: Haunted by the Spectre of Uncertainty, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2017, Vienna, March 2017, pp. 65-68
- 'POLAND: Not so brilliant anymore', Cautious Upturn in CESEE: Haunted by the Spectre of Uncertainty, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2017, Vienna, March 2017, pp. 99-102
- 'CZECH REPUBLIC: Economic growth driven by external surplus', Labour Shortages Driving Economic Growth?, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2016, Vienna, November 2016, pp. 62-65
- 'POLAND: So far so good?', Labour Shortages Driving Economic Growth?, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2016, Vienna, November 2016, pp. 93-96
- 'THE CZECH REPUBLIC: Back to normal', Growth Stabilises: Investment a Major Driver, Except in Countries Plagued by Recession, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2016, Vienna, March 2016, pp. 71-75
- 'POLAND: Keeping generous promises will not be easy', Growth Stabilises: Investment a Major Driver, Except in Countries Plagued by Recession, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2016, Vienna, March 2016, pp. 104-108
- 'THE CZECH REPUBLIC: Benefiting from a positive demand shock', Mixed Prospects: Consumption Leads Fragile Recovery in the CESEE Core – CIS Stumbles, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2015, Vienna, November 2015, pp. 73-76
- 'POLAND: A time of generous promises', Mixed Prospects: Consumption Leads Fragile Recovery in the CESEE Core – CIS Stumbles, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2015, Vienna, November 2015, pp. 105-108
- 'A time of moderate expectations', A Time of Moderate Expectations, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2015, Vienna, March 2015, pp. 1-26
- 'THE CZECH REPUBLIC: Second dip left behind', A Time of Moderate Expectations, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2015, Vienna, March 2015, pp. 57-58
- 'POLAND: Fast recovery of investment', A Time of Moderate Expectations, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2015, Vienna, March 2015, pp. 73-74
- 'THE CZECH REPUBLIC: The second dip about to be left behind', On Thin Ice: CESEE Core Resilient in the Face of EU Stagnation and the Ukraine Crisis, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2014, Vienna, November 2014, pp. 55-57
- 'POLAND: A number of short-term risks', On Thin Ice: CESEE Core Resilient in the Face of EU Stagnation and the Ukraine Crisis, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2014, Vienna, November 2014, pp. 71-74
- 'THE CZECH REPUBLIC: A change (for the better?)', Investment to the Rescue, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2014, Vienna, March 2014, pp. 41-43
- 'POLAND: A sigh of relief', Investment to the Rescue, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2014, Vienna, March 2014, pp. 59-61
- 'The Czech Republic: Deeper in recession', Animal Spirits still Dimmed: Slow Recovery Expected, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 12, Vienna, July 2013, pp. 71-74
- 'Poland: Not so soft landing ahead', Animal Spirits still Dimmed: Slow Recovery Expected, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 12, Vienna, July 2013, pp. 91-93
- 'The Czech Republic: In recession', Double-dip Recession over, yet no Boom in Sight, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 11, Vienna, March 2013, pp. 65-67
- 'Poland: Not so soft landing ahead', Double-dip Recession over, yet no Boom in Sight, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 11, Vienna, March 2013, pp. 83-86
- 'Special Section I: Should the European Union strive to achieve permanently balanced public finances?' (with Kazimierz Laski), Fasting or Feasting? Europe - Old and New - at the Crossroads, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 10, Vienna, July 2012, pp. 32-39
- 'Fasting or feasting? Europe – old and new – at the crossroads', Fasting or Feasting? Europe - Old and New - at the Crossroads, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 10, Vienna, July 2012, pp. 1-31
- 'The Czech Republic: The second dip materialises ', Fasting or Feasting? Europe - Old and New - at the Crossroads, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 10, Vienna, July 2012, pp. 59-62
- 'Poland: Soft landing ahoy', Fasting or Feasting? Europe - Old and New - at the Crossroads, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 10, Vienna, July 2012, pp. 77-81
- 'Poland: Economy decoupled from the eurozone crisis', New Divide(s) in Europe?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 9, Vienna, March 2012, pp. 72-75
- 'The Czech Republic: Self-inflicted pain', New Divide(s) in Europe?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 9, Vienna, March 2012, pp. 55-58
- 'The Czech Republic: Fiscal consolidation amid elevated political tensions', Recovery: Limp and Battered, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 8, Vienna, July 2011, pp. 55-58
- 'Poland: Solid growth continues', Recovery: Limp and Battered, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 8, Vienna, July 2011, pp. 72-75
- 'Poland: Continuing growth conditional on competent policy', Recovery - in Low Gear across Tough Terrain, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 7, Vienna, March 2011, pp. 63-65
- 'The Czech Republic: Growth slowdown after the 2010 speed-up', Recovery - in Low Gear across Tough Terrain, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 7, Vienna, March 2011, pp. 47-50
- 'Special topic: Long-term growth prospects in Central and Eastern Europe hinge on changes in the basic paradigms of EU economic policy-making' (with Kazimierz Laski), Will Exports Prevail over Austerity?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 6, Vienna, July 2010, pp. 1-22
- 'The Czech Republic: Fragile recovery', Will Exports Prevail over Austerity?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 6, Vienna, July 2010, pp. 67-75
- 'Poland: Solid but moderate growth', Will Exports Prevail over Austerity?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 6, Vienna, July 2010, pp. 76-79
- 'The Czech Republic: Bottoming out?', Crisis Is Over, but Problems Loom Ahead, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 5, Vienna, February 2010
- 'Poland: Moderate acceleration, not a headlong rush', Crisis Is Over, but Problems Loom Ahead, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 5, Vienna, February 2010
- 'Poland: resisting recession', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Josef Pöschl and Sandor Richter (eds), Where Have All the Shooting Stars Gone?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 4, Vienna, July 2009, pp. 43-47
- 'The Czech Republic: policy eased to limit the damage', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Josef Pöschl and Sandor Richter (eds), Where Have All the Shooting Stars Gone?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 4, Vienna, July 2009, pp. 34-37
- 'The Czech Republic: approaching standstill ', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Gabor Hunya and Josef Pöschl (eds), Differentiated Impact of the Global Crisis, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 3, Vienna, February 2009, pp. 28-31
- 'Poland: a slowdown in the making ', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Gabor Hunya and Josef Pöschl (eds), Differentiated Impact of the Global Crisis, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 3, Vienna, February 2009, pp. 36-39
- 'The Czech Republic: slowdown underway', in: Leon Podkaminer and Josef Pöschl (eds), The Big Boom Is Over, but Growth Remains Strong and Inflation Calms Down, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 2, Vienna, July 2008, pp. 46-49
- 'Poland: a gentle deceleration of growth', in: Leon Podkaminer and Josef Pöschl (eds), The Big Boom Is Over, but Growth Remains Strong and Inflation Calms Down, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 2, Vienna, July 2008, pp. 54-57
- 'The Czech Republic: slowdown ahead', in: Peter Havlik and Mario Holzner (eds), Weathering the Global Storm, yet Rising Costs and Labour Shortages May Dampen Domestic Growth, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 1, Vienna, February 2008, pp. 30-33
- 'Poland: expansion to continue', in: Peter Havlik and Mario Holzner (eds), Weathering the Global Storm, yet Rising Costs and Labour Shortages May Dampen Domestic Growth, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 1, Vienna, February 2008, pp. 37-39
- 'Strength and weakness of Germany’s economy', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 3/2025, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2025, pp. 13-19
- 'From the Bretton Woods system to global stagnation', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 9/2024, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 9, Vienna, September 2024, pp. 12-17
- 'The Polish catering sector: falling demand but rising prices', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 6/2024, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2024, pp. 10-12
- 'Opinion Corner: Disinflation does not require positive interest rates', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 3/2024, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2024, pp. 9-11
- 'Opinion Corner: The European Central Bank’s bemusing ‘strategy’', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 10/2023, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2023, pp. 9-10
- 'Rising public debt does not drive up short-term interest rates', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 12/2022, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2022, pp. 19-25
- 'The ‘Great Disinflation’: How important was the ‘China Factor’?', in: Vasily Astrov and Mario Holzner (eds), Monthly Report No. 04/2022, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2022, pp. 19-22
- 'Searching for a new growth model in the Visegrád countries', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 9/2021, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 9, Vienna, September 2021, pp. 12-18
- 'Czechia: Recovery delayed', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 7-8/2021, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July-August 2021, p. 31
- 'Poland: Recovery under way', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 7-8/2021, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July-August 2021, p. 36
- 'Public debt and inflation', Monthly Report No. 09/2020, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 9, Vienna, September 2020, pp. 12-16
- 'Chart of the month: Ricardian equivalence does not hold in practice', Monthly Report No. 06/2020, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2020, pp. 1
- 'Czech Republic: Paying a high price for its skewed production structure', Monthly Report No. 5/2020, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2020, p. 41-42
- 'Poland: Making the best of the epidemic', Monthly Report No. 5/2020, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2020, p. 62-63
- '4. Appendix – Table: Summary of CESEE key measures regarding COVID-19 as of 30th April, 2020' (with Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Rumen Dobrinsky, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Olga Pindyuk, Sandor Richter, Bernd Christoph Ströhm and Hermine Vidovic), Monthly Report No. 5/2020, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2020, pp. 78-82
- 'Opinion corner: A case for balanced trade', Monthly Report No. 02/2020, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2020, pp. 2-3
- 'Chart of the month: No convergence despite higher growth ' (with Vasily Astrov), Monthly Report No. 11/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2019, pp. 1-2
- 'Opinion Corner: Higher Minimum Wages? Not Necessarily the End of the World', Monthly Report No. 10/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2019, pp. 3-5
- 'Czech Republic: Moderate growth continues', Monthly Report No. 6/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2019, p. 8
- 'Poland: Social spending supports high growth', Monthly Report No. 6/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2019, p. 18
- 'Negative natural interest rates and secular stagnation: Much ado about nothing?', Monthly Report No. 5/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2019, pp. 13-19
- 'Recent investment trends in CESEE countries: supply-side fundamentals of the catch-up are weak', Monthly Report No. 3/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2019, pp. 6-12
- 'Opinion corner: Permanent fiscal deficits are desirable for the high income countries', Monthly Report No. 9/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 9, Vienna, September 2018, pp. 2-5
- 'Economic disintegration of the European Union: not improbable ', Monthly Report No. 10/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2018, pp. 11-18
- 'Czech Republic: Balanced and moderate growth', Monthly Report No. 6/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2018, p. 8
- 'Poland: First clouds on the horizon', Monthly Report No. 6/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2018, p. 17
- 'Unemployment rate and GDP wage share in the EU-CEE: a dynamic analysis', Monthly Report No. 4/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2018, pp. 11-16
- 'Opinion corner: Are net capital importing EU-CEE countries exploited by foreign direct investors? ' (with Vladimir Gligorov), Monthly Report No. 3/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2018, pp. 2-4
- 'Opinion corner: Do trade imbalances affect economic growth?', Monthly Report No. 12/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2017, pp. 2-4
- 'Poland: Unexpectedly strong start into 2017', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, August 2017, p. 17
- 'Czech Republic: Performance better than expected', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, August 2017, p. 8
- 'Thirlwall’s Law may be empirically invalid', Monthly Report No. 6/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2017, pp. 11-17
- 'Opinion corner: Is the falling wage share in most EU-CEE countries a symptom of the ‘race to the bottom’?', Monthly Report No. 2/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2017, pp. 2-3
- 'Opinion corner: Is there an economic rationale for Poland – and other EU-CEE countries – to join the euro area?', Monthly Report No. 1/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2017, pp. 2-3
- 'Inflation and unit labour costs in Central and East European EU Member States', Monthly Report No. 12/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2016, pp. 15-20
- 'Poland: Unexpectedly weak start into 2016', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, August 2016, p. 17
- 'Czech Republic: Performance better than expected', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, August 2016, p. 8
- 'Opinion corner: Breaking out from the middle-income trap? ', Monthly Report No. 6/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2016, pp. 2-3
- 'Illusions lost … ?', Monthly Report No. 1/2016 - Special Issue: Reality Check – wiiw Economists Reflect on 25 Years of Transition, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2016, pp. 18-19
- 'Opinion corner: New governments in Poland and Romania, and related expected changes' (with Gabor Hunya), Monthly Report No. 12/2015, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2015, pp. 2-5
- 'Net private savings in relation to the government’s financial balance: some basic principles of macroeconomics disregarded by the European Union’s economic policy-makers' (with Kazimierz Laski), Monthly Report No. 11/2015 - Special Issue in Memoriam Kazimierz Laski, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2015, pp. 12-18
- 'The Czech Republic: Fiscal and monetary policies conducive to further recovery', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2015, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, August 2015, p. 5
- 'Poland: Strong expansion of productive investment', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2015, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, August 2015, p. 10
- 'Opinion corner: New president elected in Poland: what are the consequences? ', Monthly Report No. 6/2015, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2015, pp. 2-3
- 'Poland’s automotive sector: and yet it moves …', Monthly Report No. 12/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2014, pp. 7-9
- 'Poland: abrupt acceleration of investment activities', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July 2014, p. 10
- 'Czech Republic: fiscal relaxation to strengthen the recovery', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July 2014, p. 5
- 'Opinion corner: How do you assess the possible impact of the FED's continuing tapering on Central, East and Southeast Europe?' (with Vladimir Gligorov), Monthly Report No. 2/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2014, pp. 13-14
- 'The elasticity of the new EU Member States’ imports: implications for external rebalancing in Europe ', Monthly Report No. 12/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2013, pp. 1-4
- 'Czech Republic: heading for a change', Monthly Report No. 10/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2013, pp. 7-9
- 'Poland: keeping afloat', Monthly Report No. 10/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2013, pp. 21-23
- 'Global output growth: likely to be wage-led rather than profit-led', Monthly Report No. 6/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2013, pp. 13-15
- 'The European Commission grossly underestimates the effects of German domestic demand expansion', Monthly Report No. 1/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2013, pp. 1-2
- 'Trade does not drive global growth', Monthly Report No. 12/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2012, pp. 3-8
- 'Czech Republic: deepening recession', Monthly Report No. 10/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2012, pp. 4-6
- 'Poland: soft landing materializes', Monthly Report No. 10/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2012, pp. 19-21
- 'The cold civil war in Poland' (with Kazimierz Laski), Monthly Report No. 5/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2012, pp. 8-10
- 'Net private savings in relation to the government’s financial balance' (with Kazimierz Laski), Monthly Report No. 4/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2012, pp. 10-13
- 'What kind of socio-economic order do we need in Europe?' (with Kazimierz Laski), Monthly Report No. 3/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2012, pp. 13-14
- 'Poland: new government, but not-so-new policy?', Monthly Report No. 12/2011, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2011, pp. 1-2
- 'Czech Republic: untimely austerity, uncertain exports', Monthly Report No. 10/2011, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2011, pp. 4-6
- 'Poland: so far so good', Monthly Report No. 10/2011, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2011, pp. 11-13
- 'Import intensities of production in the New EU Member States in 1995 and 2006', Monthly Report No. 8-9/2011, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2011, pp. 1-5
- 'Productivity of imports in the transition countries: evidence from the 2000s', Monthly Report No. 6/2011, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2011, pp. 7-9
- 'Structural root causes of the debt crises/heterogeneity', Monthly Report No. 12/2010, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2010, p. 12
- 'Czech Republic: changing structure of growth', Monthly Report No. 10/2010, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2010, pp. 4-7
- 'Poland: waiting for the investment take-off', Monthly Report No. 10/2010, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2010, pp. 12-14
- 'Poland's presidential election: and the winner is ...', Monthly Report No. 7/2010, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7, Vienna, July 2010, pp. 13
- 'Real convergence and price levels in the enlarged European Union', Monthly Report No. 4/2010, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2010, pp. 12-13
- 'Poland: recession resisted', Monthly Report No. 10/2009, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2009, pp. 11-13
- 'Czech Republic: bottoming out likely', Monthly Report No. 10/2009, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2009, pp. 4-7
- 'Multiplier effects of governmental spending in Central and Eastern Europe: a quantitative assessment', Monthly Report No. 8-9/2009, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2009, pp. 16-18
- 'Financial market regulation and supervision', Monthly Report No. 4/2009, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2009, pp. 15-20
- 'Some reflections on the reform of the international financial architecture ', Monthly Report No. 2/2009, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2009, pp. 17-22
- 'Some reflections on the crisis management in the EU', Monthly Report No. 1/2009, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2009, pp. 13-18
- 'The Czech Republic: weak domestic demand, resilient exports, sound banking', Monthly Report No. 10/2008, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2008, pp. 4-7
- 'Poland: a slowdown in the making ', Monthly Report No. 10/2008, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2008, pp. 11-14
- 'The international role of the euro: prospects of dethroning the dollar as the leading international currency still fairly remote', Monthly Report No. 7/2008, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7, Vienna, July 2008, pp. 16-20
- 'Globalization and inflation: impacts unlikely to be large and permanent', Monthly Report No. 3/2008, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2008, pp. 13-17
- 'The Reform Treaty: monetary and economic policies unaffected', Monthly Report No. 1/2008, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2008, pp. 13-17
- 'The Czech Republic: performing better than expected', Monthly Report No. 10/2007, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2007, pp. 4-6
- 'Poland: economic expansion continues', Monthly Report No. 10/2007, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2007, pp. 10-11
- 'A brief history of Poland's nominal convergence' (with Andrzej Slawinski), Monthly Report No. 8-9/2007, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2007, pp. 7-10
- 'Some issues related to the euro's progress', Monthly Report No. 7/2007, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7, Vienna, July 2007, pp. 14-15
- 'Poland's experience with capital account convertibility', Monthly Report No. 1/2007, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2007, pp. 14-18
- 'Poland: domestic demand strengthening further', Monthly Report No. 10/2006, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2006, pp. 7-8
- 'The Czech Republic: high growth likely to slow down', Monthly Report No. 10/2006, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2006, pp. 1-3
- 'Poland's competitive position in the enlarged EU', Monthly Report No. 8-9/2006, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2006, pp. 1-8
- 'Real convergence and inflation', Monthly Report No. 5/2006, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2006, pp. 8-12
- 'Possible entry into the euro zone of Estonia, Lithuania and Slovenia: an evaluation', Monthly Report No. 3/2006, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2006, pp. 11-15
- 'Updated wiiw forecasts for 2005 and 2006' (with Peter Havlik), Monthly Report No. 12/2005, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2005, pp. 1-3
- 'Poland: domestic demand weakening further', Monthly Report No. 10/2005, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2005, pp. 7-9
- 'Distributional effects of evolving spending and tax policies in post-socialist Poland', Monthly Report No. 2/2005, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2005, pp. 12-18
- 'Monthly Report No. 11/2004' (with Vasily Astrov, Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya, Anton Mihailov and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2004
- 'Poland: strong profits and weak investment', Monthly Report No. 10/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2004, pp. 9-11
- 'Quality gains in exports of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia', Monthly Report 7/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7, Vienna, July 2004, pp. 11-16
- 'Domestic absorption, real exchange rate and trade balances in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia', Monthly Report 6/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2004, pp. 1-5
- 'Is rapid, long-term economic growth in Poland likely?', Monthly Report 6/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2004, pp. 10-16
- 'Assessing the demand for food in Europe by the year 2010', Monthly Report 3/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2004, pp. 11-18
- 'Inflation, exchange rates and the real catch-up', Monthly Report 2/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2004, pp. 1-5
- 'Poland: strong exports, continuing fiscal disarray', Monthly Report 10/2003, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2003, pp. 6-7
- 'Structural change in Poland's labour productivity', Monthly Report 05/2003, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2003, pp. 7-13
- 'Poland's macro policy under a critical reassessment', Monthly Report 03/2003, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2003, pp. 13-14
- 'Monthly Report special issue Spring Seminar No. S1/2003' (with Patrizia Baur, Peter Havlik, Kazimierz Laski, Zdenek Lukas, Josef Pöschl, Sandor Richter, Roman Römisch and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Monthly Report, No. S1, Vienna, March 2003
- 'Poland: changes in fiscal policy may make a difference', Monthly Report 10/2002, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 10, Vienna, October 2002, pp. 14-15
- 'Monthly Report 04/2002' (with Ales Čapek and Zdenek Lukas), wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2002
- 'Avoiding a Trap and Embracing the Megatrends: Proposals for a New Growth Model in EU-CEE' (with Alexandra Bykova, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Niko Korpar, Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Research Report, No. 458, Vienna, November 2021
- 'Wage Developments in the Western Balkans, Moldova and Ukraine' (with Vasily Astrov, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report, No. 444, Vienna, April 2020
- 'Wage Developments in the Central and Eastern European EU Member States' (with Vasily Astrov, Mario Holzner, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara and Armon Rezai), wiiw Research Report, No. 443, Vienna, December 2019
- 'Energy Tariff Reform in Ukraine: Estimated Effects and Policy Options' (with Vasily Astrov), wiiw Research Report, No. 416, Vienna, February 2017
- 'Development Patterns of Central and East European Countries (in the course of transition and following EU accession)', wiiw Research Report, No. 388, Vienna, July 2013
- 'Does Trade Drive Global Growth?', wiiw Research Report, No. 386, Vienna, March 2013
- 'Migration and Commuting Propensity in the New EU Member States ' (with Anna Iara, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner, Roman Römisch and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report, No. 351, Vienna, December 2008
- 'The Czech Republic: stagnant investment augurs overall growth slowdown', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Sandor Richter (eds), High Growth Continues, with Risks of Overheating on the Horizon, wiiw Research Report, No. 341, Vienna, July 2007, pp. 38-42
- 'Poland: growth turns euphoric', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Sandor Richter (eds), High Growth Continues, with Risks of Overheating on the Horizon, wiiw Research Report, No. 341, Vienna, July 2007, pp. 45-48
- 'The Czech Republic: after record trade surplus, growth to slow down', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Private Consumption and Flourishing Exports Keep the Region on High Growth Track, wiiw Research Report, No. 335, Vienna, February 2007, pp. 36-39
- 'Poland: investment expansion gathers momentum', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Private Consumption and Flourishing Exports Keep the Region on High Growth Track, wiiw Research Report, No. 335, Vienna, February 2007, pp. 42-46
- 'Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic: Longer-term Growth Prospects' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Research Report, No. 330, Vienna, October 2006
- 'The Czech Republic: export-led expansion continues', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Broader-based Growth Resilient to Global Uncertainties, wiiw Research Report, No. 328, Vienna, July 2006, pp. 35-38
- 'Poland: a promising start into 2006', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Broader-based Growth Resilient to Global Uncertainties, wiiw Research Report, No. 328, Vienna, July 2006, pp. 42-45
- 'The Czech Republic: an export-led expansion', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Strong Growth, Driven by Exports in the NMS and by Consumption in the Future EU Members, wiiw Research Report, No. 325, Vienna, February 2006, pp. 25-28
- 'Poland: heightened uncertainty', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Strong Growth, Driven by Exports in the NMS and by Consumption in the Future EU Members, wiiw Research Report, No. 325, Vienna, February 2006, pp. 31-34
- 'Why Is Food Cheaper in Rich (European) Countries?', wiiw Research Report, No. 322, Vienna, October 2005
- 'Poland: a weak start into 2005', in: Gabor Hunya and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Back from the Peak, Growth in Transition Countries Returns to Standard Rate of Catching-up, wiiw Research Report, No. 320, Vienna, July 2005, pp. 33-36
- 'Poland: the return of the strong zloty', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Accelerating GDP Growth, Improved Prospects for European Integration, wiiw Research Report, No. 314, Vienna, March 2005, pp. 36-39
- 'Poland: a boom, but no jobs', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Josef Pöschl and Sandor Richter (eds), As East You Go, the More They Grow: Transition Economies in a New Setting, wiiw Research Report, No. 308, Vienna, July 2004, pp. 35-38
- 'Poland: the power of a weak currency', in: Leon Podkaminer (eds), Transition Countries on the Eve of EU Enlargement, wiiw Research Report, No. 303, Vienna, February 2004, pp. 57-60
- 'A Note on the Evolution of Inequality in Poland, 1992-99 Analytical Notes on the Balassa-Samuelson Effect', wiiw Research Report, No. 301, Vienna, November 2003
- 'Country Report Poland: shaky economic consolidation amidst political disarray', in: Peter Havlik (eds), Transition Countries in 2003: Reforms and Restructuring Keep the Global Economic Slowdown at Bay, wiiw Research Report, No. 297, Vienna, July 2003, pp. 65-68
- 'Country Report Poland: muddling through', in: Leon Podkaminer (eds), Transition Countries Resist Global Slowdown: Productivity Gains Offset Effects of Appreciation, wiiw Research Report, No. 293, Vienna, February 2003, pp. 74-77
- 'Transition Countries in 2002: Losing Steam', wiiw Research Report, No. 285, Vienna, July 2002
- 'The Transition Economies: Externally Conditioned Improvements in 2000, Slowdowns and Adjustments Likely in 2001 and 2002', wiiw Research Report, No. 275, Vienna, February 2001
- 'Has Trade Been Driving Global Economic Growth?', wiiw Working Paper, No. 131, Vienna, October 2016
- 'Discrepancies between Purchasing Power Parities and Exchange Rates under the Law of One Price: A Puzzle (partly) Explained? ', wiiw Working Paper, No. 69, Vienna, September 2010
- 'Why Are Goods Cheaper in Rich Countries? Beyond the Balassa-Samuelson Effect ', wiiw Working Paper, No. 64, Vienna, April 2010
- 'Real Convergence and Inflation: Long-Term Tendency vs. Short-Term Performance', wiiw Working Paper, No. 49, Vienna, December 2008
- 'Assessing the Demand for Food in Europe by the Year 2010', wiiw Working Paper, No. 28, Vienna, March 2004
- 'Ukraine: Selected Economic Issues' (with Vasily Astrov), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 19, Vienna, December 2017
- 'Die Lohnentwicklung in den Westbalkanländern, Moldau und der Ukraine' (with Vasily Astrov, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 15, Vienna, September 2019
- 'Die Lohnentwicklung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Mitgliedsländern der EU' (with Vasily Astrov, Mario Holzner, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara and Armon Rezai), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 12, Vienna, July 2018
- 'Ukrainian workers in Poland: demand by far exceeds supply', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, May 2018
- 'The Prague coffee house loses to the countryside beer saloon' (with Peter Havlik), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, January 2018
- 'Do trade imbalances affect economic growth?', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, January 2018
- 'IMF-led reforms in Ukraine: Barking up the wrong tree' (with Vasily Astrov), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, December 2017
- 'A long-term matter', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2017
- 'Czech election: Big changes in parliament, minimal economic impact' (with Richard Grieveson and Peter Havlik), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, October 2017
- 'If it’s not broke, don’t fix it', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, August 2017
- 'wiiw Opinion Corner: Is the falling wage share in most EU-CEE countries a symptom of the ‘race to the bottom’?', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, March 2017
- 'wiiw Opinion Corner: Is there an economic rationale for Poland – and other EU-CEE countries – to join the euro area?', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, February 2017
- 'wiiw Opinion Corner: Breaking out from the middle-income trap? Not at any price!', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, August 2016
- 'Looking Back, Looking Forward: Central and Eastern Europe 30 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall' (with Vladimir Gligorov, Richard Grieveson, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya, Olga Pindyuk, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Essays and Occasional Papers, No. 4, Vienna, November 2019
- 'How to Stabilise the Economy of Ukraine' (with Amat Adarov, Vasily Astrov, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya and Michael Landesmann), wiiw Background Study, No. 2015-04, Vienna, April 2015
- 'Development and Prospects of the 'Other Non-metallic Mineral Products' Industry in the Central and Eastern European Countries', wiiw Industry Study, No. 2000/1, Vienna, January 2000 plus free access to wiiw Industrial Database