Monthly Report No. 7/2008


Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Marton Szabó

wiiw Monthly Report No. 7, July 2008
36 pages including 8 Tables and 17 Figures

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  • Hungarian agriculture - starting the fifth year within the European Union (by M. Szabó, pp. 1-7)
    Keywords: agriculture, international trade
    Countries covered: Hungary
    Topics: Agriculture and Food Industry; International Trade and Competitiveness

  • Migration from and to Hungary (by S. Richter, pp. 8-15)
    Keywords: migration, labour force
    Countries covered: Hungary
    Topics: Labour and Migration

  • The international role of the euro: prospects of dethroning the dollar as the leading international currency still fairly remote (by L. Podkaminer, pp. 16-20)
    Keywords: euro, dollar, international reserve currency
    Countries covered: OECD
    Topics: Macroeconomic Analysis, Forecasts and Policy

  • Statistics: Selected monthly data on the economic situation in Central, East and Southeast Europe, 2002-2008 (pp. 21-31)

  • Guide to wiiw statistical services on Central, East and Southeast Europe, Russia and Ukraine (p. 32)


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Monthly Database

Keywords: agriculture, international trade, migration, labour force, euro, dollar, international reserve currency

Countries covered: Visegrad countries, Hungary, OECD, Russia, Ukraine

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Labour, Migration and Income Distribution, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI, Sectoral studies
