Monthly Report No. 8-9/2009


Vasily Astrov, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Zdenek Lukas and Leon Podkaminer

wiiw Monthly Report No. 8-9, September 2009
32 pages including 18 Tables and 6 Figures

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  • Austria's economic relations with Ukraine (by V. Astrov; pp. 1-3)
    Keywords: economic cooperation, neighbourhood policy
    Countries covered: Austria, Ukraine
    Topics: International Trade and Competitiveness; Foreign Direct Investment; Economic Integration
  • NMS grain production in 2009: calm on the market (by Z. Lukas; pp. 4-8)
    Keywords: grain production, grain market, grain prices
    Countries covered: New EU Member States
    Topics: Agriculture and Food Industry
  • The misery of the Hungarian food industry (by D. Hanzl-Weiss; pp. 9-15)
    Keywords: food industry, transition
    Countries covered: Hungary
    Topics: Agriculture and Food Industry
  • Multiplier effects of governmental spending in Central and Eastern Europe: a quantitative assessment (by L. Podkaminer; pp. 16-18)
    Keywords: fiscal multiplier, saving propensity, import intensity
    Countries covered: New EU Member States, Ukraine, Croatia
    Topics: Macroeconomic Analysis, Forecasts and Policy
  • Statistical Annex: Selected monthly data on the economic situation in Southeast Europe, Russia and Ukraine (pp. 19-27)
  • Guide to wiiw statistical services on Central, East and Southeast Europe, Russia and Ukraine (p. 29)


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Monthly Database

Keywords: economic cooperation, neighbourhood policy, food industry, transition, grain production, grain market, grain prices, fiscal multiplier, saving propensity, import intensity

Countries covered: New EU Member States, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Ukraine, SEE, Visegrad countries

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI, Sectoral studies