Migration and Commuting Propensity in the New EU Member States
Anna Iara, Michael Landesmann, Sebastian Leitner, Leon Podkaminer, Roman Römisch and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Research Report No. 351, December 2008
106 pages including 21 Tables, 16 Figures and 5 Maps
This study provides an overview of economic and labour market developments in the new EU member states of Central and Eastern Europe over the past several years. In addition, it presents the experiences that have been collected with regard to migration flows between the 'old' and the 'new' member countries of the European Union. Against this background an assessment is made of the characteristics, features and impacts of migration flows that may emerge from a further liberalization of labour market access over the period 2009-2011.
Keywords: labour market, migration, regions
JEL classification: J21, J61, R23
Countries covered: Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czechia, Poland, Baltic States, SEE, Visegrad countries
Research Areas: Labour, Migration and Income Distribution, Regional Development