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Found: 45

Sectoral studies

Austria's 'trade in value added'

Client: Austrian Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth
Duration: October 2012 - June 2013

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Study on structural change (Competitiveness Report 2013)

Client: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Duration: November 2012 - June 2013

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Reducing productivity and efficiency gaps: the role of knowledge assets, absorptive capacity and institutions (Competitiveness Report 2013)

Client: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Duration: November 2012 - June 2013

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A manufacturing imperative in the EU – Europe's position in global manufacturing and the role of industrial policy (Competitiveness Report 2013)

Client: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Duration: November 2012 - June 2013

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Study on the Luxury Industry in Europe

Client: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Duration: September 2012 - February 2013

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The world and Europe in 2030 (AUGUR)

Client: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme
Duration: October 2010 - January 2013

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Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact

Client: European Commission, DG Research and Innovation
Duration: June 2010 - October 2012

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World Input-Output Database (WIOD)

Client: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme
Duration: May 2010 - April 2012

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Monitoring of sectoral employment

Client: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Duration: December 2010 - April 2012

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Vulnerability and bargaining power in EU-Russia gas relations

Client: Austrian Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth
Duration: June 2010 - December 2011

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