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Projects: contains »'european union'« (52 projects found)
Increasing competitiveness in the Western Balkans region - opportunities and limits
Client: German Federal Ministry of Finance
Duration: July 2013 - January 2015
Energy efficiency and EU industrial competitiveness: energy costs and their impact on manufacturing activity (Competitiveness Report 2014)
Client: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Duration: October 2014 - November 2014
International conference 'The 2004 EU Enlargement − Ten Years After: Achievements and Next Steps'
Client: Austrian Ministry of Finance
Duration: June 2014 - June 2014
Study on various aspects of earnings distribution using micro-data from the European Union Structure of Earnings Survey
Client: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Duration: June 2013 - January 2014
Trade Sustainability Impact Assessments between the EU and Armenia
Client: European Commission, DG Trade
Duration: December 2012 - September 2013
The extent and impact of offshoring in the European Union
Client: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Duration: July 2011 - June 2013
Creation of a database for value added and gross output (sales) according to the KiA classification
Client: Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Duration: January 2012 - August 2012
FDI flows and impacts on the competitiveness of the EU industry (Competitiveness Report 2012)
Client: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Duration: October 2011 - May 2012
Monitoring of sectoral employment
Client: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
Duration: December 2010 - April 2012
Ukraine, the European Union and the international community: current challenges and the agenda for overcoming the stalemate
Client: Austrian Ministry of Finance
Duration: May 2010 - February 2012