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wiiw Monthly Reports

The wiiw Monthly Report contains brief articles on topical issues related to the economies in Central, East and Southeast Europe and CIS countries. Its objective is to keep you informed in a condensed form, covering all of the countries that may be of interest to you during the course of the year as well as research results that may be of general interest. Monthly key economic indicators provide the most up-to-date information available. The Report is published 11 times a year and available as download (PDF) from our website. It is distributed exclusively to Members of wiiw. After an embargo period of six months the report is freely available online.

Monthly Report No. 8-9/2010

Martin Feldkircher, Mario Holzner, R. Martin, Kazimierz Poznanski, Julia Wörz and Vasyl Yurchyshyn
wiiw Monthly Report No. 8-9, September 2010
36 pages including 10 Tables and 7 Figures



Monthly Report No. 7/2010

Peter Havlik, Leon Podkaminer and Josef Pöschl
wiiw Monthly Report No. 7, July 2010
28 pages including 9 Tables and 6 Figures



Monthly Report No. 6/2010

John Kenneth Galbraith, Oleh Havrylyshyn and Sandor Richter
wiiw Monthly Report No. 6, June 2010
30 pages including 8 Tables and 2 Figures



Monthly Report No. 5/2010

Vasily Astrov, Peter Havlik, Robert Stehrer and Terry Ward
wiiw Monthly Report No. 5, May 2010
26 pages including 13 Tables and 5 Figures



Monthly Report No. 4/2010

K. Busch, Leon Podkaminer, Sandor Richter and Susan Schadler
wiiw Monthly Report No. 4, April 2010
28 pages including 10 Tables



Monthly Report No. 3/2010

A. Miklaszewicz, V. Popova, Roman Römisch, H. Sladek and Waltraut Urban
wiiw Monthly Report No. 3, March 2010
32 pages including 16 Tables, 5 Figures and 1 Map



Monthly Report No. 2/2010

Edward Christie, Rostislav Kapelyushnikov, Andrei Kuznetsov and Waltraut Urban
wiiw Monthly Report No. 2, February 2010
32 pages including 11 Tables and 9 Figures



Monthly Report No. 1/2010

Gabor Hunya, Sandor Richter and Roman Stöllinger
wiiw Monthly Report No. 1, January 2010
34 pages including 17 Tables and 8 Figures



Monthly Report No. 12/2009

Vladimir Gligorov, Mario Holzner, Olga Pindyuk and Josef Pöschl
wiiw Monthly Report No. 12, December 2009
28 pages including 13 Tables



Monthly Report No. 11/2009

Vasily Astrov, Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik, Josef Pöschl and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Monthly Report No. 11, November 2009
28 pages including 13 Tables
