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Publications: contains »balkan« (286 publications found)

SEE Trade and Institutions: A Case Study on Bulgaria and the Region

Martin Dimitrov and Krassen Stanchev
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 23, February 2002


Institutional Constraints on Southeasteuropean Development

Ljubomir Madzar
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 22, February 2002


Firms’ Clustering and SEE Export Performance: Lessons from the Italian Experience

Pier Carlo Padoan, Giuseppe De Arcangelis and Giovanni Ferri
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 21, January 2002


Disinflation and Labor Market Distortions: Lessons from Slovenia

Velimir Bole
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 20, January 2002


International and Regional Economic Integration in South East Europe: The Case of Macedonia

Jane Miljovski and Vanco Uzunov
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 19, January 2002


Constitutional Quandaries in Southeast Europe

Dennis C. Mueller
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 18, January 2002



Monthly Report 01/2002

Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik, Pawel Kowalewski and Helmut Stix
wiiw Monthly Report No. 1, January 2002


Trade Reintegration of Southeast Europe in View of Projected Balance of Payment Developments: The Role of Neighbouring Slovenia

Joze P. Damijan and Mojmir Mrak
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 17, December 2001


Stabilization, monetary policy and financial institutions in Albania

Erjon Luci, Marta Muco and Peter Sanfey
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 16, December 2001


Short and Medium–Term Macroeconomic Stabilization Strategies and Effects

Gligor Bishev, Zoran Jovanovski and Aneta Naumovska
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper No. 15, December 2001

