Publications: contains »trade« (657 publications found)
Foreign Direct Investment in CEECs and the Former Soviet Union - with Special Attention to Austrian FDI Activities
Gabor Hunya
wiiw FDI Report No. 2003-02, February 2003
Transition Countries Resist Global Slowdown: Productivity Gains Offset Effects of Appreciation
Leon Podkaminer
wiiw Research Report No. 293, February 2003
106 pages including 37 Tables, 10 Figures and 4 Panels
The Russian Oil and Gas Sector: Facing the New Challenges
Vasily Astrov
wiiw Research Report No. 294, February 2003
29 pages including 4 Tables and 2 Figures
China: Fast growth maintained despite slowdown of the world economy
Waltraut Urban
wiiw China Report No. 2, December 2002
Competitive Economic Performance: USA versus EU
Karl Aiginger and Michael Landesmann
wiiw Research Report No. 291, November 2002
76 pages including 17 Tables and 23 Figures
Monthly Report 10/2002
Helen Boss Heslop, Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya, Zdenek Lukas, Anton Mihailov, Leon Podkaminer, Josef Pöschl, Sandor Richter and Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Monthly Report No. 10, October 2002
EU Enlargement: Economic Impacts on Austria and the Five Acceding Central European Countries
Peter Havlik
wiiw Research Report No. 290, October 2002
38 pages including 19 Tables and 1 Figure
Macroeconomic and Sectoral Aspects of Hungary's International Competitiveness and Trade Performance on EU Markets
Gábor Oblath and Sandor Richter
wiiw Research Report No. 288, September 2002
37 pages including 15 Tables and 14 Figures
The Services Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe
Hermine Vidovic
wiiw Research Report No. 289, September 2002
89 pages including 17 Tables, 7 Figures and 5 Maps
Restructuring Through FDI in Romanian Manufacturing
Gabor Hunya
wiiw Research Report No. 287, August 2002
27 pages including 4 Tables and 8 Figures