Simone Maria Grabner


telephone: (+43-1) 5336610-45

Simone Maria Grabner is Economist at wiiw, where she is part of the regional development research group. Holding a Ph.D. in Regional Science and Urban Studies from the Gran Sasso Science Institute, her research interests revolve around spatial inequality and structural change. Her current work focuses on analysing the impacts of economic crises, digitalization, and the green transition on various dimensions of regional development.

Austria, Vienna

List of Publications

External Publications wiiw Publications

External Publications

Articles in refereed journals
  • 'Green technological diversification: The role of international linkages in leaders, followers and catching-up countries' (with Nicoletta Corrocher and Andrea Morrison), Elsevier, Research Policy, Volume 53, Issue 4, May 2024, 104972
  • 'Industrial Embeddedness and Regional Economic Resistance in Europe' (with Andre Carrascal-Incera and Tasos Kitsos), Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, Economic Geography, Volume 99, Issue 3, March 2023, pp. 227-252
  • 'Urban labour market resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic: what is the promise of teleworking?' (with Alexandra Tsvetkova), Taylor & Francis Group, Regional Studies, Volume 57, Issue 12, March 2022, pp. 2521-2536
  • 'Industrial resilience, regional diversification and related variety during times of crisis in the US urban–rural context' (with Marco Modica), Taylor & Francis Group, Regional Studies, Volume 56, Issue 10, December 2021, pp. 1605-1617
Articles in books
  • 'Regional Economic Resilience: Review and Outlook', in: Rüdiger Wink (eds), Economic Resilience in Regions and Organisations, Studien zur Resilienzforschung, Springer, Wiesbaden, September 2021, pp. 21–55
Other working papers and discussion series
  • 'Austrian Research and Technology Report 2023' (with Philip Brunner, Tobias Dudenbostel, Brigitte Ecker, Ernst Andreas Hartmann, David Heckenberg, Eva Heckl, Gerdhard Kasneci, Jakob Kofler, Stefan Philipp, Verena Régent, Sascha Sardadvar, Klaus Schuch, Dorothea Sturn, Valentin Wagner, Katharina Warta and Harald Wieser), Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF), Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy (BMAW), Vienna, 2023
  • 'Regional Resilience and Diversification: Three Essays on the Role of Local Industrial Structures', Gran Sasso Science Institute, Doctoral Theses, Italy, December 2020
  • 'Labour demand weakening during the COVID-19 pandemic in US cities: Stylised facts and factors related to regional resilience' (with Alexandra Tsvetkova and Wessel Vermeulen), OECD Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED) Papers, Italy, October 2020

wiiw Publications

wiiw Monthly Reports
  • 'Regional disparities and industrial structures in China', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 3/2025, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2025, pp. 20-26
