Supply-use based econometric Input-Output multipliers of output, income, employment and CO2 emissions (SUBE)

Client/Funding Institution

Joint Research Centre (JRC)


The CEIL Unit of the JRC is currently expanding its capacity to conduct studies in the domain of Input-Output analysis (data and modelling) in support of policies focusing on industrial competitiveness, growth and jobs, internal market, trade and globalisation (e.g. global supply chains) and EU environment and sustainability policies. Furthermore, Input- Output data enable more precise and comprehensive empirical applications on global supply chains, labour productivity and value added decomposition of gross exports by the use of additional socio- economic layers. The objective of this contract is threefold: (1) Provide the JRC with econometric estimations of output, value added, employment and CO2 emission impact effects per one-unit change (multipliers) in final demand of products; (2) Provide the JRC with econometric estimations of output, value added, employment and CO2 emission impact effects per one-percent change (elasticities) in final demand of products; and (3) Analyse the inter-temporal stability of the multipliers and elasticities calculated above as well as their potential use in input-output analysis and input-output modelling.


December 2017 - October 2018

wiiw team Leader

Robert Stehrer

wiiw Staff

Ronald Hartwig, Nadya Heger, David Zenz

Research Areas: International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI
