Transforming the Western Balkans through Near-shoring and Decarbonisation
Belma Alihodžić, Milica Brašanac, Balša Ćulafić, Muela Ibrahimi, Branimir Jovanović, Sophia Kluge, Ognjenka Lalović, Antoneta Manova Stavreska, Ravik Mima, Sanja Nikolova, Anđela Rajič, Radman Šelmić, Vladimir Tomić, Jelena Vasić, Aleksandra Zec and Adam Zlatanović
Joint Study No. 2024-10, October 2024
in cooperation with Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum
148 pages including 46 Tables and 62 Figures
In this study, we evaluate whether near-shoring has occurred in the Western Balkans after the COVID pandemic, identify specific examples of near-shoring, and explore how it can be aligned with ongoing decarbonisation efforts. Additionally, we examine the implications of these two megatrends – near-shoring and decarbonisation – for local companies, and consider how they might foster greater cooperation between local and foreign firms. We conclude that near-shoring is indeed taking place in the region, aligns well with the global trend of decarbonisation, and presents an opportunity for both local companies and the broader economies of the Western Balkans.
Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw FDI Database
Keywords: Near-shoring, FDI, decarbonisation, Western Balkans
JEL classification: F21, F63, Q56
Countries covered: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Western Balkans
Research Areas: International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI