wiiw diversity profile

20 May 2016

wiiw Economist Julia Grübler joins the celebrations of today’s World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development with a dedicated wiiw diversity profile

The grassroots campaign ‘Do One Thing For Diversity and Inclusion’ was launched by UNESCO and the UN Alliance of Civilizations in order to celebrate the annual World Day for Cultural Diversity. The campaign aims to

  • raise awareness worldwide about the importance of intercultural dialogue, diversity and inclusion;
  • build a world community of individuals committed to support diversity with real and every day-life gestures;
  • combat polarisation and stereotypes to improve understanding and cooperation among people from different cultures.

wiiw Economist Julia Grübler is supporting and joining this campaign with a dedicated wiiw diversity profile, a short video-snapshot of the various diversities characterising our work place. Being an economic research institute, the video obviously presents a brief statistical analysis of our various nationalities, languages, educational backgrounds, hobbies, family and age structures – as well as our music, food and leisure preferences.

Watch the wiiw diversity profile here:


Julia Grübler, the initiator and creator of the wiiw diversity profile, was motivated by nowadays’ strong media coverage of diversity which, according to her, ‘centres either around the business context, in which the advantages and benefits of cultural diversity are being emphasised, or around the refugees, with the disadvantages and related challenges being stressed’. On a personal note, Julia Grübler adds: ‘For me, the high diversity that exists at wiiw was an important motivation to join the Institute.’