wiiw Handbook of Statistics 2010: CD-ROM - Excel


Beate Muck, Renate Prasch and Monika Schwarzhappel

wiiw Handbook of Statistics No. 2010, November 2010
30 Excel files including 8 Chapters and 18 Countries

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Tables permit a wide range of individual analyses and compilations with time series covering the whole period 1990-2009.

Table of contents | Sample table 'indicators by country' | Sample table 'countries by indicator'


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database, wiiw FDI Database

Countries covered: Albania, Baltic States, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Visegrad countries, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, SEE, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine
