wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts
Albania: Something is rotten
in: Recovery - in Low Gear across Tough Terrain
wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts No. 7, March 2011 , pp. 88-90
In Albania the political stalemate after clashes during a violent anti-government demonstration in
January 2011 is not expected to have a major economic impact in the short term. However, if the
political system is stymied by personal animosities among the country’s leading politicians, this might
prove to be a major stumbling block on the path to EU membership and subsequent EU transfers
and integration into European production networks. For the period 2011-2013, we expect a gradual
increase in the GDP growth rate. The forecast hinges on further recovery of the European economy
and governmental stimulus of domestic demand.
Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database
Countries covered: Albania, SEE