Mario Holzner

Executive Director

telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10-28

Mario Holzner is executive director at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (wiiw). He is also coordinating economic policy development and communication with a focus on European economic policy. In recent years he worked on issues of infrastructure investment in greater Europe, proposing a European Silk Road. He obtained his PhD in economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business in 2005. He is also a historian at the Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies at the University of Vienna. Mario Holzner was a 2023 DG GROW Fellow. Since 2024 he is a visiting professor at the College of Europe, Tirana Campus, in the framework of the MA programme in European Transformation and Integration.

Austria, Vienna

External Publications

Articles in refereed journals
  • 'Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: assessment of the humanitarian, economic, and financial impact in the short and medium term' (with Vasily Astrov, Alexandra Bykova, Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Artem Kochnev, Michael Landesmann, Olga Pindyuk, Robert Stehrer and Maryna Tverdostup), International Economics and Economic Policy, June 2022
  • 'Wage Bargaining Coordination, Taxation and Labor Costs: The Effects of Fiscal Devaluation' (with Maruška Vizek and Goran Vukšić), Comparative Economic Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, Volume 64, Issue 2, June 2022, pp. 324–349
  • 'Red Vienna: A Social Housing Experiment, 1923–1933' (with Michael Huberman), The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 53 (1), June 2022, pp. 49–88
  • 'Public and Private Pension Systems and Macroeconomic Volatility in OECD Countries' (with Stefan Jestl and David Pichler), Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Wiley Online Library, Vol. 69, No. 2, May 2022, pp. 131-168
  • 'Public Debt: How to Cope with the Legacy of the Pandemic', CESifo Forum 01/2022, Volume 23, (1), January 2022, pp. 35-39
  • 'Regional Economic Cooperation in the Western Balkans: The Role of Stabilization and Association Agreements, Bilateral Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements in Regional Investment and Trade Flows' (with Richard Grieveson and Goran Vukšić), Eastern European Economics, Vol. 59, Issue 1, 23 December 2020, pp. 3-24
  • 'Composition of trade flows and the effectiveness of fiscal devaluation' (with Marina Tkalec and Goran Vukšić), The World Economy, Vol. 42, No. 2, 2019, pp. 453-477
  • 'Fiscal devaluations: evidence using bilateral trade balance data' (with Marina Tkalec, Maruška Vizek and Goran Vukšić), Review of World Economics, Vol. 154, No. 2, 2018, pp. 247–275
  • 'State Aid and Export Competitiveness in the EU' (with Roman Stöllinger), Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2017, pp. 203–236
  • 'Trade and fiscal imbalances in Southeastern Europe: Can fiscal devaluation help?' (with Goran Vukšić), Economic Systems, Vol. 40, No. 4, 2016, pp. 568–581
  • 'Effects of Serbian Accession to the European Union' (with Valentina Ivanić), Panoeconomicus, Vol. 59, No. 3, 2012, pp. 355-367
  • 'The impact of customs procedures on business performance: evidence from Kosovo' (with Florin Peci), World Customs Journal, Vol. 6, No. 1, 2012, pp. 17-30
  • 'Tourism and economic development: The beach disease?', Tourism Management, Vol. 32, No. 4, 2011, pp. 922-933
  • 'Determinants of Kosovo Trade: A Gravity Model Approach' (with E. Kutllovci and Florin Peci), South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Vol. 5, No.2, 2010, pp. 33-41
  • 'Economic Inequality in Central, East and Southeast Europe' (with Sebastian Leitner), Intervention: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2008, pp. 155-88
  • 'GSIM Measurement of the Effects of the EU accession of the Balkans and Turkey on Agricultural Trade', The South East European Journal of Economics and Business, Vol.3, No.1, 2008, pp. 7-14
  • 'Book Review of 'The Successes and Failures of Economic Transition. The European Experience' by Gabrisch, H., Hölscher, J.', Intervention: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, Vol.4, No.2, 2007, pp. 377-378
Books (Monographs and editorship)
  • CEFTA Investment Report 2017 (with Mahdi Ghodsi, Vladimir Gligorov, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya and Roman Stöllinger), CEFTA Secretariat, Brussels, 2017
  • Strategy for Export Improvement of the AP Vojvodina 2011-2015 (with Luka Aleksic, Predrag Bjelic, Anze Burger, Vladimir Gligorov, Ribar Gyula, Valentina Ivanić, Tatjana Karaulac, Miladin Kovacevic, Aljaz Kuncic, Blagoje Paunovic, Matija Rojec, Dusan Scepanovic and Maja Sokic), Vojvodina CESS, Novisad, 2011
Articles in books
  • 'Managing the obstacles and maximising the benefits that come with Croatia's participation in Euro-Atlantic integrations', in: Predrag Jurekovic and Sandro Knezevic (eds), Croatia's Accession to the Eurozone and Schengen Area - Potential Impact on South East Europe, Austrian Federal Ministry of Defence, 2024, pp. 35-40
  • 'Österreich als Inkubator einer EU-Industriepolitik in Ostmitteleuropa', in: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (Hg.) (eds), Europa neu gedacht. Wie ein aktives Österreich zu einem starken Europa beitragen kann, Czernin Verlag, February 2024
  • 'Die Europäische Unabhängigkeits-Anleihe', in: Gottfried Kneifel and Wolfgang Schüssel (eds), Ideen, die geh'n! Was braucht Österreich? 93 Köpfe verraten ihre Ideen für das Land, Edition Kleine Zeitung, 2023, pp 100-102
  • 'Environmental Impact Evaluation of a European High-Speed Railway Network along the “European Silk Road”' (with Katharina Weber, Muhammad Usman Zahid and Maximilian Zangl), in: Floriana Cerniglia, Francesco Saraceno and Andrew Watt (eds), The Great Reset: 2021 European Public Investment Outlook, Chapter 12, Open Book Publishers, December 2021, pp 185-201
  • 'Current and Long-Run Challenges for the Croatian Economy, in Comparison', in: Ivan Lovrinović and Neven Vidaković (eds), Macroeconomic Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic - Policies from Southeast Europe, Chapter 1, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp. 3-15
  • 'Convergence of Non-EU Countries in the CESEE Region' (with Richard Grieveson), in: Michael Landesmann and István P. Székely (eds), Does EU Membership Facilitate Convergence? The Experience of the EU's Eastern Enlargement - Volume I: Overall Trends and Country Experiences, Chapter 9, Studies in Economic Transition, Palgrave Macmillan, February 2021, pp. 285-322
  • 'The demographic challenge of Eastern Europe and potential policy options', in: Robert Holzmann, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald and Helene Schuberth (eds), 30 Years of Transition in Europe: Looking Back and Looking Beyond in CESEE Countries, Chapter 17, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020
  • 'Economic Development, Infrastructure Projects, Foreign Trade and Investment in the Western Balkans', in: Predrag Jurekovic (eds), Competing External Influences in South East Europe. Implications for Regional Consolidation, Study Group Information 15/2019, Republic of Austria, Federal Ministry of Defence, Vienna, 2019, pp. 119-129
  • 'The Financial Effects of the Crisis in European Emerging Markets', in: Peter Havlik and Ichiro Iwasaki (eds), Economics of European Crises and Emerging Markets, Palgrave, 2017, pp. 39-62
  • 'Macroeconomic imbalances and economic inequality in CESEE', in: Ewald Nowotny, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald and Helene Schuberth (eds), The Challenge of Economic Rebalancing in Europe, Chapter 9, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, Ma, USA, 2015, pp. 112-130
  • 'Sozialpartnerschaft und Lohnquote - eine Frage der Machtverteilung', in: Patrick Horvath, Peter Mooslechner and Andreas Staribacher (eds), Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik der Zukunft - Festschrift zum 70.Geburtstag von Ewald Nowotny, Teil 1, new academic press, Wien, 2014, pp. 95-99
  • 'Economic Inequality in Central, East and Southeast Europe' (with Sebastian Leitner), in: Branko Milanovic (eds), Globalization and Inequality, Chapter 8, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012, pp. 138-171
  • 'Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: Effects of WTO Accession in the Medium and Long Run' (with Vasily Astrov, Olga Pindyuk and Julia Wörz), in: Ruslan Grinberg, Peter Havlik and Oleh Havrylyshyn (eds), Economic Restructuring and Integration in Eastern Europe. Experiences and Policy Implications, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 2008, pp. 377-396
  • 'Prospects for further (South-)Eastern EU enlargement: from divergence to convergence?' (with Vladimir Gligorov and Michael Landesmann), in: Michael Landesmann and Dariusz Rosati (eds), Shaping the New Europe: Economic Policy Challenges of European Union Enlargement, Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, pp. 315-345
  • 'Südosteuropäische Länder (SOEL)', in: Wilfried Altzinger (eds), Austrian Foreign Trade Yearbook 2003/04, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour, Vienna, 2004, pp. 30-32
  • 'Südosteuropäische Länder (SOEL)', in: Christian Bellak (eds), Austrian Foreign Trade Yearbook 2002/03, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour, Vienna, 2003, pp. 26-27
Articles in non-refereed journals
  • 'Mehr europäische Projekte im Wiederaufbauprogramm!' (with Andrew Watt), Wirtschaftsdienst, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 100. Jahrgang, 2020, Heft 7, 2020, pp. 474-475
  • 'Immobilienvermögen und Hypothekarverschuldung der Haushalte im Europavergleich' (with Stefan Jestl and Sebastian Leitner), Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Vol. 41, No. 1, 2015, pp. 49-70
  • 'Integration Process of the Western Balkans', Academic Foresights, No. 11 May-August, 2014
  • 'Wachstumsbeschleunigung dank investitionswende in Mittel-Ost- und Südosteuropa' (with Vladimir Gligorov and Sandor Richter), WIFO Monatsberichte, Vol. 87, No. 5, 2014, pp. 353-360
  • 'Gedanken im Gedenkjahr', Arbeit & Wirtschaft, Vol. 68, No. 1, 2014, pp. 28-29
  • 'Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa von der EU-Krise voll erfasst' (with Vasily Astrov), WIFO Monatsberichte, Vol. 86, No. 5, 2013, pp. 415-423
  • 'Wirtschaftsentwicklung divergiert in den kommenden Jahren auch in Mitteleuropa, Ost- und Südosteuropa zwischen Norden und Süden' (with Vasily Astrov, Doris Hanzl-Weiss and Sebastian Leitner), WIFO Monatsbericht, Vol. 85, No. 5, 2012, pp. 351-359
  • 'Stabilisierung des verhaltenen Aufschwungs in den MOEL' (with Vasily Astrov and Sebastian Leitner), WIFO Monatsbericht, Vol. 84, No. 5, 2011, pp. 361-373
  • 'Infrastructural needs and economic development in south-eastern Europe: the case of rail and road transport infrastructure' (with Edward Christie and Vladimir Gligorov), SEER - South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs, No. 01/2006, 2006, pp. 15-50
Shorter papers and comments
  • 'BRICS plus: Neue Weltordnung und Ende der Leitwährung US-Dollar?', FIW-Spotlight, 15. Februar 2024
  • 'Mission „Europäische Seidenstraße“', BWA-Bundesfachkommission „Neue Seidenstraße“, 7 February 2021
  • 'Was hat die EU je für uns getan? Ein Plädoyer gegen das Denken in Netto-Positionen' (with Margit Schratzenstaller), Wiener Zeitung, 29 July 2020
  • 'EU-Nachbarn: kaum Lohnannäherung trotz Reallohnsteigerungen' (with Vasily Astrov), Blog Arbeit & Wirtschaft, November 4th, 2019
  • 'Making the best out of a bad hand', Tirana Times, October 31st 2019
  • 'Ausblick für die Wirtschaftsentwicklung in der Region MOSOE', Versicherungsrundschau, 9/16, 2016, pp. 5-9
  • 'Raising capital taxes and investing in social protection and education may reduce income polarisation in Europe', LSE EUROPP, London, July 2nd, 2013
  • 'Freihandelsabkommen funktionieren', Aussenwirtschaft, Deutscher Sparkassen Verlag, Sonderheft EU-Beitritt, 2006, pp. 32-34
Other working papers and discussion series
  • 'Catalytic Industrial Policy – in concordia varietas', Single Market Economy Papers, European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, WP2024/17, February 2024
  • 'A Stronger CEE for a Stronger Europe' (with Richard Grieveson and Thomas Wieser), Erste Group Bank AG, 2024
  • 'New EU own resources: possibilities and limitations of steering effects and sectoral policy co-benefits' (with Philipp Heimberger, Niko Korpar, Ambre Maucorps, Bernhard Moshammer, Danuše Nerudová, Margit Schratzenstaller and Veronika Solilová), in: Mirari Uriarte Iraola (eds), European Parliament, Policy Department for Budgetary Affairs Directorate-General for Internal Policies, Study, PE 731.895, March 2022
  • 'Multi-annual Action Plan for a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA) in the Western Balkans' (with Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Isilda Mara and David Pichler), in: Bojana Zorić (eds), Regional Cooperation Council, Diagnostic Report, December 2020
  • 'Pushing on a String? An evaluation of regional economic cooperation in the Western Balkans' (with Richard Grieveson, Isilda Mara, David Pichler and Goran Vukšić), Bertelsmann Stiftung (Hrsg.), 2020
  • 'How EU funds tackle economic divide in the European Union' (with Julia Bachtrögler, Roland Blomeyer, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya, Veronika Kubeková, Oliver Reiter, Margit Schratzenstaller, Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger), European Parliament, July 2020
  • 'Overcoming the net position thinking in EU member states' (with Julia Bachtrögler, Veronika Kubeková and Margit Schratzenstaller), Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE), Policy Briefs, 16 July 2020
  • 'Die Lohnentwicklung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Mitgliedsländern der EU' (with Vasily Astrov, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Leon Podkaminer and Armon Rezai), Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, No. 178, Vienna, Juli 2018
  • 'Infrastructure Investment in the Western Balkans: A First Analysis' (with Monika Schwarzhappel), Economics - Regional Studies (European Investment Bank), Luxembourg, September 2018
  • 'Bevölkerungs- und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern (MOEL)' (with Vasily Astrov, Stefan Jestl, Michael Landesmann, Isilda Mara, Roman Römisch, Robert Stehrer and Hermine Vidovic), Studie im Auftrag der MA23 der Stadt Wien, August 2018
  • 'Of Proprietors and Proletarians - Inequality, Household Indebtedness, Macroeconomic Imbalances and the Ownership Society' (with Stefan Jestl), Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, No. 141, 2015
  • 'Raising capital taxes and investing in social protection and education may reduce income polarisation in Europe', LSE EUROPP, London, July 2nd, 2013
  • 'Inequality, growth and public spending in Central, East and Southeast Europe', ECINEQ Working Paper Series, No. 221, 2011
  • 'Modelling the Effects of Trade Policy and the Transmission Mechanisms of the Economic Crisis on the Austrian Economy' (with Joseph F. Francois and Olga Pindyuk), FIW Research Reports 2010/2011, No. 6, Vienna, 2011
  • 'Austria 2020: The Impact of Medium-Term Global Trends on the Austrian Economy' (with Edward Christie, Joseph F. Francois, Sebastian Leitner and Olga Pindyuk), FIW Research Reports 2009/2010, No. 4, Vienna, 2009
  • 'Russia, Ukraine and Belarus: Effects of WTO Accession in the Medium and Long Run' (with Vasily Astrov, Olga Pindyuk and Julia Wörz), The Industrial Restructuring in the NMS: Experience and Lessons for NIS, May 2007
  • 'The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on the Restructuring of the Metal Processing Industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina' (with Gabor Hunya, Goran Nedic and Waltraut Urban), OECD Investment Compact for South East Europe, May 2007
  • 'Infrastructural Needs & Economic Development in Southeastern Europe - The Case of Rail and Road Transport Infrastructure' (with Edward Christie and Vladimir Gligorov), IBEU Working Paper, No. 4.3, November 2004
  • 'Illegal Trade in South East Europe' (with Vladimir Gligorov), IBEU Working Paper, No. 3.5, November 2004
  • 'Industry in South East Europe. A study commissioned by The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)' (with Edward Christie), Vienna, 2003

wiiw Publications

wiiw Forecast Reports
  • 'International economic environment', Moving Into the Slow Lane, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2019, Vienna, March 2019, pp. 1-6
  • 'Convergence monitor: A long way to go', Moving Into the Slow Lane, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2019, Vienna, March 2019, pp. 36-39
  • 'What does China’s Belt and Road Initiative mean for CESEE, and how should the EU respond?' (with Amat Adarov and Julia Grübler), Strong Growth Amid Increased Negative Risks, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2018, Vienna, November 2018, pp. 50-51
  • 'Special section IV: Cautious upturn in CESEE: haunted by the spectre of uncertainty', Cautious Upturn in CESEE: Haunted by the Spectre of Uncertainty, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2017, Vienna, March 2017, pp. 1-18
  • 'KOSOVO: Investment failure dragging down growth', Labour Shortages Driving Economic Growth?, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2016, Vienna, November 2016, pp. 77-79
  • 'International environment: moderate recovery amid major uncertainties', Growth Stabilises: Investment a Major Driver, Except in Countries Plagued by Recession, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2016, Vienna, March 2016, pp. 1-4
  • 'KOSOVO: A long passage to prosperity', Growth Stabilises: Investment a Major Driver, Except in Countries Plagued by Recession, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2016, Vienna, March 2016, pp. 87-89
  • 'KOSOVO: Ambiguous past but strong future growth', Mixed Prospects: Consumption Leads Fragile Recovery in the CESEE Core – CIS Stumbles, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2015, Vienna, November 2015, pp. 88-90
  • 'Special Section III: Austrian banks in the countries of Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESEE)', A Time of Moderate Expectations, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2015, Vienna, March 2015, pp. 41-46
  • 'KOSOVO: The exodus of young people from a poor country', A Time of Moderate Expectations, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2015, Vienna, March 2015, pp. 105-107
  • 'ALBANIA: Economic development under house arrest', On Thin Ice: CESEE Core Resilient in the Face of EU Stagnation and the Ukraine Crisis, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2014, Vienna, November 2014, pp. 85-87
  • 'KOSOVO: Robust growth despite political quarrelling', On Thin Ice: CESEE Core Resilient in the Face of EU Stagnation and the Ukraine Crisis, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Autumn 2014, Vienna, November 2014, pp. 105-106
  • 'Investment-led growth in the CESEE countries: a base effect or signs of a paradigm shift' (with Vladimir Gligorov), Investment to the Rescue, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2014, Vienna, March 2014, pp. 5-17
  • 'ALBANIA: INSTAT replay', Investment to the Rescue, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2014, Vienna, March 2014, pp. 89-90
  • 'KOSOVO: Road to the New Kosovo', Investment to the Rescue, wiiw Forecast Report, No. Spring 2014, Vienna, March 2014, pp. 95-96
  • 'Kosovo: Cooperation for integration', Animal Spirits still Dimmed: Slow Recovery Expected, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 12, Vienna, July 2013, pp. 125-126
  • 'Special Section II: Croatian EU accession and regional trade patterns', Animal Spirits still Dimmed: Slow Recovery Expected, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 12, Vienna, July 2013, pp. 56-63
  • 'Albania: Deleveraging and improved business confidence – unity and conflict of opposites ', Animal Spirits still Dimmed: Slow Recovery Expected, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 12, Vienna, July 2013, pp. 119-120
  • 'Albania: Corruption of power plus electrification of the whole country', Double-dip Recession over, yet no Boom in Sight, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 11, Vienna, March 2013, pp. 111-114
  • 'Special Section II: Deleveraging in the CESEE countries: where has all the liquidity gone?' (with Olga Pindyuk), Double-dip Recession over, yet no Boom in Sight, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 11, Vienna, March 2013, pp. 32-45
  • 'Kosovo: Corruption holds no passport', Double-dip Recession over, yet no Boom in Sight, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 11, Vienna, March 2013, pp. 121-123
  • 'Albania: High heels sans Achilles', Fasting or Feasting? Europe - Old and New - at the Crossroads, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 10, Vienna, July 2012, pp. 106-108
  • 'Special topic: The European banking crisis and spillover effects in the countries of CESEE' (with Olga Pindyuk), New Divide(s) in Europe?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 9, Vienna, March 2012, pp. 54-61
  • 'Albania: Arcane setback in growth', New Divide(s) in Europe?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 9, Vienna, March 2012, pp. 101-103
  • 'Special topic: Debt dynamics, flow of funds and deleveraging: a CEE–GIPS comparison' (with Vladimir Gligorov, Michael Landesmann and Roman Römisch), Recovery: Limp and Battered, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 8, Vienna, July 2011, pp. 30-49
  • 'Albania: Adolescent development', Recovery: Limp and Battered, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 8, Vienna, July 2011, pp. 101-103
  • 'Albania: Something is rotten', Recovery - in Low Gear across Tough Terrain, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 7, Vienna, March 2011, pp. 88-90
  • 'Albania: Rainfall export growth', Will Exports Prevail over Austerity?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 6, Vienna, July 2010, pp. 110-112
  • 'Will exports prevail over austerity?' (with Vasily Astrov), Will Exports Prevail over Austerity?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 6, Vienna, July 2010, pp. 23-62
  • 'Albania: Part of a Greek tragedy?', Crisis Is Over, but Problems Loom Ahead, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 5, Vienna, February 2010
  • 'Albania: you too my son?', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Josef Pöschl and Sandor Richter (eds), Where Have All the Shooting Stars Gone?, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 4, Vienna, July 2009, pp. 88-90
  • 'Albania: the one-eyed king', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Gabor Hunya and Josef Pöschl (eds), Differentiated Impact of the Global Crisis, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 3, Vienna, February 2009, pp. 71-73
  • 'Albania: on the verge of the inflation target', in: Leon Podkaminer and Josef Pöschl (eds), The Big Boom Is Over, but Growth Remains Strong and Inflation Calms Down, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 2, Vienna, July 2008, pp. 91-93
  • 'The countries of Southeast Europe: Home grown growth continues, despite international and national(ist) risks', Weathering the Global Storm, yet Rising Costs and Labour Shortages May Dampen Domestic Growth, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 1, Vienna, February 2008, pp. 55-66
  • 'Albania: resource blessing', in: Peter Havlik and Mario Holzner (eds), Weathering the Global Storm, yet Rising Costs and Labour Shortages May Dampen Domestic Growth, wiiw Current Analyses and Forecasts, No. 1, Vienna, February 2008, pp. 67-68
wiiw Monthly Reports
  • 'Opinion Corner: What can be done to help workers in the poorest countries in Europe?' (with Vasily Astrov), Monthly Report No. 11/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2019, pp. 3-5
  • 'Opinion corner: How to fill Europe’s investment gap', Monthly Report No. 3/2019, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2019, pp. 3-5
  • 'The process of financialisation in Central, East and Southeast Europe', Monthly Report No. 12/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2018, pp. 9-15
  • 'Internet avant la lettre: The Telegraph Revolution and its impact on economic growth in 1870 1913' (with Stefan Jestl), Monthly Report No. 11/2018, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2018, pp. 12-17
  • 'The economic role of railway networks – a historical perspective' (with Stefan Jestl), Monthly Report No. 2/2017, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 2, Vienna, February 2017, pp. 8-15
  • 'Recent developments of Austrian FDI in the CESEE region – banking is still important', Monthly Report No. 9/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 9, Vienna, September 2016, pp. 10-13
  • 'Kosovo: SAA in force since April', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2016, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, August 2016, p. 12
  • 'Kosovo: Growth on skis', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2015, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, August 2015, p. 20
  • 'Albania: candidate, at last', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July 2014, p. 14
  • 'Kosovo: unstable government in a stable economy?', Monthly Report No. 7-8/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7-8, Vienna, July 2014, p. 20
  • 'Opinion corner: Two views on Piketty' (with Vladimir Gligorov), Monthly Report No. 6/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2014, pp. 2-3
  • 'Corporatism and the wage share in Western economies and in CESEE', Monthly Report No. 6/2014, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2014, pp. 4-8
  • 'State aid and export competitiveness in the EU – first results' (with Roman Stöllinger), Monthly Report No. 12/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2013, pp. 5-14
  • 'Albania: the remedy is worse than the disease?', Monthly Report No. 11/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2013, pp. 4-6
  • 'Kosovo: constant voting wears away the backwardness', Monthly Report No. 11/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2013, pp. 12-13
  • 'Japan, the United States and the euro area', Monthly Report No. 4/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2013, pp. 15-18
  • 'The determinants of income polarization at the household and country level across the EU', Monthly Report No. 3/2013, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 3, Vienna, March 2013, pp. 7-10
  • 'Albania: EU, ho! (conditionally)', Monthly Report No. 11/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2012, pp. 4-6
  • 'The European banking crisis and spillover effects in the countries of CESEE revisited' (with Leath Al Obaidi), Monthly Report No. 7/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7, Vienna, July 2012, pp. 14-17
  • 'The impact of customs procedures on business performance: evidence from Kosovo' (with Florin Peci), Monthly Report No. 1/2012, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2012, pp. 12-16
  • 'Albania: candidate? not yet', Monthly Report No. 11/2011, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, November 2011, pp. 1-3
  • 'A note on social indicators for MENA and transition countries', Monthly Report No. 8-9/2011, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2011, pp. 6 7
  • 'Albania: agnostic growth forecast', Monthly Report No. 11/2010, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 11, Vienna, October 2010, pp. 1-2
  • 'Exchange market pressure contagion in CESEE', Monthly Report No. 8-9/2010, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2010, pp. 8-12
  • 'Albania: good quarters, bad quarters', Monthly Report No. 12/2009, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2009, pp. 1-3
  • 'Albania: the importance of being aside', Monthly Report No. 12/2008, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2008, pp. 1-3
  • 'Selected economic impacts of higher oil prices' (with Edward Christie and Gábor Pellényi), Monthly Report No. 4/2008, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2008, pp. 12-19
  • 'Albania: misty growth rates', Monthly Report No. 12/2007, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2007, pp. 1-3
  • 'Albania: 1 euro', Monthly Report No. 12/2006, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, November 2006, pp. 3-5
  • 'Albania: new government, old shortages', Monthly Report No. 12/2005, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2005, pp. 4-5
  • 'Balkan Free Trade Agreements seem to work', Monthly Report No. 8-9/2005, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2005, pp. 13-18
  • 'Albania: integrating into the Balkans', Monthly Report No. 12/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2004, pp. 4-5
  • 'Household tax compliance in Central, East and Southeast Europe' (with Edward Christie), Monthly Report 5/2004, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 5, Vienna, May 2004, pp. 7-13
  • 'The dark side of the Balkans (the shadow economy in Southeastern Europe)' (with Edward Christie), Monthly Report 08-09/2003, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 8-9, Vienna, September 2003, pp. 1-9
  • 'Kosovo: a protectorate's economy', Monthly Report 01/2003, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 1, Vienna, January 2003, pp. 9-18
  • 'Monthly Report 06/2002' (with Marcin Peterlik, Julia Wörz and Bohdan Wyzniekiewicz), wiiw Monthly Report, No. 6, Vienna, June 2002
wiiw Research Reports
  • 'The Emissions Reduction Potential for Freight Transport on a High-speed Rail Line Along the ‘European Silk Road’' (with Erica Angers and Aleksandr Arsenev), wiiw Research Report, No. 472, Vienna, September 2023
  • 'Environmental Impact Evaluation of a European High Speed Railway Network along the ‘European Silk Road’' (with Katharina Weber, Muhammad Usman Zahid and Maximilian Zangl), wiiw Research Report, No. 459, Vienna, January 2022
  • 'Regional Economic Cooperation in the Western Balkans: The Role of Stabilisation and Association Agreements, Bilateral Investment Treaties and Free Trade Agreements in Regional Investment and Trade Flows' (with Richard Grieveson and Goran Vukšić), wiiw Research Report, No. 450, Vienna, September 2020
  • 'Wage Developments in the Central and Eastern European EU Member States' (with Vasily Astrov, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Leon Podkaminer and Armon Rezai), wiiw Research Report, No. 443, Vienna, December 2019
  • 'Is Austria’s Economy Locked-in to the CESEE Region? A Mesoeconomic Analysis' (with Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Philipp Heimberger, Olga Pindyuk and Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Research Report, No. 433, Vienna, October 2018
  • 'Infrastructure Investment in the Western Balkans: A First Analysis' (with Monika Schwarzhappel), wiiw Research Report, No. 432, Vienna, September 2018
  • 'A ‘European Silk Road’' (with Philipp Heimberger and Artem Kochnev), wiiw Research Report, No. 430, Vienna, August 2018
  • 'Improving Competitiveness in the Balkan Region – Opportunities and Limits' (with Hubert Gabrisch, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Michael Landesmann, Johannes Pöschl and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report, No. 411, Vienna, June 2016
  • 'Infrastructure Investment in the Western Balkans' (with Robert Stehrer and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report, No. 407, Vienna, September 2015
  • 'A ‘Manufacturing Imperative’ in the EU – Europe's Position in Global Manufacturing and the Role of Industrial Policy' (with Neil Foster-McGregor, Michael Landesmann, Johannes Pöschl, Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Research Report, No. 391, Vienna, October 2013
  • 'European Neighbourhood - Challenges and Opportunities for EU Competitiveness' (with Vasily Astrov, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya, Isilda Mara, Sandor Richter, Roman Stöllinger and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report, No. 382, Vienna, September 2012
  • 'Developing Efficient Activation Approaches and Identifying Elements for Regional Cooperation in the Western Balkans' (with Vladimir Gligorov, Renate Haupfleisch, Katja Korolkova, Monika Natter and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report, No. 374, Vienna, October 2011
  • 'Western Balkans: Employment in the Gas and Electricity Sectors ' (with Vasily Astrov, Edward Christie, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Sebastian Leitner, Waltraut Urban and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report, No. 370, Vienna, March 2011
  • 'Inequality in Croatia in Comparison' (with Sebastian Leitner), wiiw Research Report, No. 355, Vienna, June 2009
  • 'Economic and Trade Policy Impacts of Sustained High Oil Prices' (with Edward Christie), wiiw Research Report, No. 346, Vienna, April 2008
  • 'Albania: becoming a flat tax country', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Sandor Richter (eds), High Growth Continues, with Risks of Overheating on the Horizon, wiiw Research Report, No. 341, Vienna, July 2007, pp. 93-95
  • 'Albania: periodic evils', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Private Consumption and Flourishing Exports Keep the Region on High Growth Track, wiiw Research Report, No. 335, Vienna, February 2007, pp. 85-87
  • 'Albania: SAA signed', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Broader-based Growth Resilient to Global Uncertainties, wiiw Research Report, No. 328, Vienna, July 2006, pp. 79-81
  • 'Albania: power issues', in: Vladimir Gligorov and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Strong Growth, Driven by Exports in the NMS and by Consumption in the Future EU Members, wiiw Research Report, No. 325, Vienna, February 2006, pp. 63-65
  • 'Albania: key elections', in: Gabor Hunya and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Back from the Peak, Growth in Transition Countries Returns to Standard Rate of Catching-up, wiiw Research Report, No. 320, Vienna, July 2005, pp. 80-82
  • 'Household Tax Compliance in Albania' (with Edward Christie), wiiw Research Report, No. 316, Vienna, April 2005
  • 'Albania: SAA 2005? EU 2014?', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Peter Havlik and Leon Podkaminer (eds), Accelerating GDP Growth, Improved Prospects for European Integration, wiiw Research Report, No. 314, Vienna, March 2005, pp. 91-93
  • 'Albania: conditional growth', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Josef Pöschl and Sandor Richter (eds), As East You Go, the More They Grow: Transition Economies in a New Setting, wiiw Research Report, No. 308, Vienna, July 2004, pp. 85-87
  • 'Bosnia and Herzegovina: the EU, 1 state, 1 republic & 1 federation', in: Vladimir Gligorov, Josef Pöschl and Sandor Richter (eds), As East You Go, the More They Grow: Transition Economies in a New Setting, wiiw Research Report, No. 308, Vienna, July 2004, pp. 83-85
  • 'Prospects for Further (South-) Eastern EU Enlargement: from Divergence to Convergence?' (with Vladimir Gligorov and Michael Landesmann), wiiw Research Report, No. 296, Vienna, June 2003
wiiw Working Papers
  • 'How do Corporate Taxes affect International Trade?' (with Branimir Jovanović and Goran Vukšić), wiiw Working Paper, No. 212, Vienna, November 2021
  • 'Labour Taxes and International Trade: The Role of Domestic Labour Value Added' (with Amat Adarov, Branimir Jovanović and Goran Vukšić), wiiw Working Paper, No. 205, Vienna, August 2021
  • 'Public and Private Pension Systems and Macroeconomic Volatility in OECD Countries' (with Stefan Jestl and David Pichler), wiiw Working Paper, No. 172, Vienna, December 2019
  • 'Corporatism and the Labour Income Share', wiiw Working Paper, No. 144, Vienna, March 2018
  • 'State Aid and Export Competitiveness in the EU' (with Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Working Paper, No. 106, Vienna, December 2013
  • 'The Determinants of Income Polarization on the Household and Country Level across the EU', wiiw Working Paper, No. 93, Vienna, September 2012
  • 'Measuring the Effects of Trade Liberalization in Kosovo' (with Florin Peci), wiiw Working Paper, No. 85, Vienna, June 2012
  • 'The Impact of Customs Procedures on Business Performance: Evidence from Kosovo' (with Florin Peci), wiiw Working Paper, No. 76, Vienna, August 2011
  • 'Inequality, Growth and Public Spending in Central, East and Southeast Europe', wiiw Working Paper, No. 71, Vienna, October 2010
  • 'Tourism and Economic Development: the Beach Disease?', wiiw Working Paper, No. 66, Vienna, June 2010
  • 'What Explains Tax Evasion? An Empirical Assessment based on European Data' (with Edward Christie), wiiw Working Paper, No. 40, Vienna, June 2006
wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Papers
  • 'Backwardness, Industrialisation and Economic Development in Europe' (with Amat Adarov and Luka Sikic), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 123, Vienna, June 2016
  • 'Introducing Railway Time in the Balkans: Economic effects of railway construction in Southeast Europe and beyond since the early 19th century until present days' (with Eduard Alvarez, Stefan Jestl and Jordi Marti-Henneberg), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 121, Vienna, May 2016
  • 'The Effects of Highway Construction in the Balkans: Insights from the Via Militaris', wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 112, Vienna, June 2014
  • 'Inequality and the Crisis: A Causal Inference Analysis', wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 110, Vienna, May 2013
  • 'Measuring the Effects of Trade Liberalization in Kosovo' (with Florin Peci), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 98, Vienna, June 2012
  • 'The impact of customs procedures on business performance: evidence from Kosovo' (with Florin Peci), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 97, Vienna, January 2012
  • 'Inequality, Growth and Public Spending in Central, East and Southeast Europe', wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 87, Vienna, October 2010
  • 'Economic Inequality in Central, East and Southeast Europe' (with Sebastian Leitner), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 74, Vienna, February 2008
  • 'Real Exchange Rate Distortion in Southeast Europe', wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 68, Vienna, July 2006
  • 'Illegal Trade in South East Europe' (with Vladimir Gligorov), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 61, Vienna, December 2004
  • 'Infrastructural Needs & Economic Development in Southeastern Europe: The Case of Rail and Road Transport Infrastructure' (with Edward Christie and Vladimir Gligorov), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 60, Vienna, December 2004
  • 'GSIM Measurement of the Costs of Protection in Southeast Europe', wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 55, Vienna, June 2004
  • 'Household Tax Compliance and the Shadow Economy in Central and Southeastern Europe' (with Edward Christie), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 38, Vienna, March 2004
  • 'Prospects for Further (South) Eastern EU Enlargement: Form Divergence to Convergence?' (with Vladimir Gligorov and Michael Landesmann), wiiw Balkan Observatory Working Paper, No. 30, Vienna, June 2003
wiiw Policy Notes and Reports
  • 'A Stronger CEE for a Stronger Europe' (with Richard Grieveson and Thomas Wieser), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 79, Vienna, June 2024
  • 'Antworten auf die Krisen – auf EU-, nationaler und kommunaler Ebene investieren oder sparen? Rolle und Bedeutung öffentlicher Investitionen in Infrastruktur und Daseinsvorsorge' (with Philipp Heimberger and Bernhard Moshammer), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 60, Vienna, April 2022
  • 'Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine: Assessment of the Humanitarian, Economic and Financial Impact in the Short and Medium Term' (with Vasily Astrov, Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Artem Kochnev, Michael Landesmann, Olga Pindyuk, Robert Stehrer and Maryna Tverdostup), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 59, Vienna, April 2022
  • 'Public Services and Liveability in European Cities in Comparison' (with Roman Römisch), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 52, Vienna, August 2021
  • 'The Visegrád Countries: Coronavirus Pandemic, EU Transfers, and their Impact on Austria' (with Vasily Astrov), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 43, Vienna, February 2021
  • 'How to Spend it: A Proposal for a European Covid-19 Recovery Programme' (with Jérôme Creel, Francesco Saraceno, Andrew Watt and Jérôme Wittwer), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 38, Vienna, June 2020
  • 'One Trillion Euros for Europe. How to finance a European Silk Road with the help of a European Silk Road Trust, backed by a European Sovereign Wealth Fund and other financing instruments', wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 35, Vienna, November 2019
  • 'Investment in the Western Balkans' (with Richard Grieveson), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 27, Vienna, November 2018
  • 'Austria’s Economic Competitiveness in a Neighbourhood Context: Is Austria’s Economy Locked-in to the CESEE Region?' (with Mahdi Ghodsi, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Philipp Heimberger, Olga Pindyuk and Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 26, Vienna, October 2018
  • 'BRATISLAVA und Wien: Twin Cities mit großem Entwicklungspotenzial' (with Doris Hanzl-Weiss and Roman Römisch), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 25, Vienna, October 2018
  • 'BRATISLAVA and VIENNA: Twin Cities with big Development Potentials' (with Doris Hanzl-Weiss and Roman Römisch), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 24, Vienna, October 2018
  • 'Economic Policy Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative for CESEE and Austria' (with Alexandra Bykova, Mahdi Ghodsi, Julia Grübler, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Gabor Hunya and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 23, Vienna, June 2018
  • 'Western Balkans EU Accession: Is the 2025 Target Date Realistic?' (with Richard Grieveson and Julia Grübler), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 22, Vienna, May 2018
  • 'Policy Options for Competitiveness and Economic Development in the Western Balkans: the Case for Infrastructure Investment', wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 16, Vienna, June 2016
  • 'Policy Options for Economic Growth and Competitiveness of Kosovo', wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 15, Vienna, May 2015
  • 'Impact of Croatian EU Accession on Regional Trade Patterns', wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 10, Vienna, June 2013
  • 'The European Rim Countries - Challenges and Opportunities for EU Competitiveness' (with Vasily Astrov, Peter Havlik, Gabor Hunya, Isilda Mara, Sandor Richter, Roman Stöllinger and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 9, Vienna, October 2012
wiiw Research Reports in German Language
  • 'Die Qualität der Daseinsvorsorge in Österreichs Städten und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lebensumstände im Europavergleich' (with Roman Römisch), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 18, Vienna, December 2020
  • 'Bevölkerungs- und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Ländern' (with Vasily Astrov, Stefan Jestl, Michael Landesmann, Isilda Mara, Roman Römisch, Robert Stehrer and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 13, Vienna, March 2019
  • 'Die Lohnentwicklung in den mittel- und osteuropäischen Mitgliedsländern der EU' (with Vasily Astrov, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara, Leon Podkaminer and Armon Rezai), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 12, Vienna, July 2018
  • 'Die „Europäische Seidenstraße“ ' (with Philipp Heimberger and Artem Kochnev), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 11, Vienna, July 2018
  • 'Wirtschaftliche Perspektiven für Kroatien' (with Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 9, Vienna, March 2018
  • 'Bescheidener Aufschwung im Osten – Bremsklotz EU-Fiskalregeln', wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 4, Vienna, June 2016
  • 'Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in der Balkanregion – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen' (with Hubert Gabrisch, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Michael Landesmann, Johannes Pöschl and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 3, Vienna, December 2015
  • 'Infrastrukturinvestitionen am Westbalkan' (with Robert Stehrer and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 2, Vienna, September 2015
  • 'Aufwind im Westen Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropas: Wichtige Wachstumsimpulse für Österreich', wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 1, Vienna, July 2015
  • 'Wachstumsbeschleunigung dank Investitionswende in Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa' (with Vladimir Gligorov and Sandor Richter), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 2014-6, Vienna, June 2014
  • 'Mittel-, Ost- und Südosteuropa von der EU-Krise voll erfasst' (with Vasily Astrov), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 2013-06, Vienna, June 2013
  • 'Wirtschaftsentwicklung divergiert in den kommenden Jahren auch in Mitteleuropa, Ost- und Südosteuropa zwischen Norden und Süden ' (with Vasily Astrov, Doris Hanzl-Weiss and Sebastian Leitner), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 2012-06, Vienna, June 2012
  • 'Stabilisierung des verhaltenen Aufschwungs in den MOEL' (with Vasily Astrov and Sebastian Leitner), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 2011-06, Vienna, June 2011
wiiw Opinion Pieces
  • 'BRICS Plus: New World Order after the Pax Americana?', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, April 2024
  • 'In memoriam Dionys Lehner (1942–2023)', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, May 2023
  • 'The Berlin Process for the Western Balkans: Four Recommendations to Achieve Progress' (with Branimir Jovanović), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, January 2023
  • 'Serbia, China's gateway to Europe', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, September 2022
  • 'Summer Forecast: Eastern Europe’s resilience likely to fade as war and inflation pressures mount' (with Andreas Knapp and Olga Pindyuk), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, July 2022
  • 'Solidarity with Ukraine' (with Richard Grieveson and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, February 2022
  • 'How to Spend it', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, June 2020
  • 'wiiw ranked third best international economic policy think tank in the world' (with Richard Grieveson), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, January 2020
  • 'One Trillion Euros for a European Silk Road', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2019
  • 'Making the best of a bad hand', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, October 2019
  • 'Faces of convergence', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, May 2019
  • 'How to fill Europe’s investment gap', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, April 2019
  • 'The growing internationalisation of Austrian exports' (with Richard Grieveson), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2018
  • 'A “European Silk Road”: the case for a “big push” in infrastructure investment', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, July 2018
  • 'wiiw publishes new study on Western Balkan EU accession prospects' (with Richard Grieveson and Julia Grübler), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, May 2018
  • 'Five big questions for the future of the EU budget' (with Richard Grieveson, Philipp Heimberger, Sandor Richter, Roman Römisch and Robert Stehrer), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, April 2018
  • 'Improving Croatian employment opportunities is in everyone’s interest' (with Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, April 2018
  • 'CESEE outlook: strong growth amid rising risks' (with Richard Grieveson, Julia Grübler and Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, April 2018
  • 'Labour’s falling share of national income – and what to do about it', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, March 2018
  • 'New US tariffs: Escalation to trade war would hit Europe hard' (with Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Julia Grübler, Olga Pindyuk, Robert Stehrer and Roman Stöllinger), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, March 2018
  • 'EU Western Balkans Strategy: A welcome change of approach' (with Vladimir Gligorov), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, February 2018
  • 'Western Balkan countries knocking on EU’s door' (with Robert Stehrer), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, February 2018
  • '2017 Western Balkans Summit in Trieste: the quest for a common market', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, July 2017
  • 'Cautious upturn in CESEE: haunted by the spectre of uncertainty', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, March 2017
  • 'Labour shortages driving economic growth?' (with Vasily Astrov), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2016
  • 'Modest recovery in the east – EU fiscal rules act as obstacle to growth – BREXIT poses new uncertainties', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, June 2016
  • 'Mixed prospects: consumption leads fragile recovery in the CESEE core - CIS stumbles.', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2015
  • 'Interview on the wiiw Spring Forecast 2015-2017', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, March 2015
  • 'New wiiw forecast for Central, East and Southeast Europe countries: On Thin Ice' (with Vasily Astrov and Sandor Richter), wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, November 2014
  • 'New wiiw Forecast Report for Central, East and Southeast Europe: Investment to the Rescue', wiiw Opinion Piece, Vienna, March 2014
Other wiiw publications
  • 'The long way round: Lessons from EU-CEE for improving integration and development in the Western Balkans' (with Mahdi Ghodsi, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Branimir Jovanović, Stefani Weiss and Zuzana Zavarská), Joint Study , No. 2022-06, Vienna, June 2022
  • 'Unsecured Lending in Central and Southeast Europe' (with Amat Adarov, Richard Grieveson, Olga Pindyuk and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Market Report, No. 1, Vienna, March 2019
