Monthly Report No. 12/2018


Amat Adarov, Mario Holzner, Olga Pindyuk and Goran Vukšić

wiiw Monthly Report No. 12, December 2018
45 pages including 37 Figures

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  • Graph of the month: Openness of CESEE economies, 2017
  • Opinion corner: What can be expected from the Strategy for the adoption of the euro in Croatia?
    by Goran Vukšić
  • European financial markets ten years after the global crisis
    by Amat Adarov
    As of end-2018, while Europe is generally enjoying robust economic growth, the outlook is clouded with downside risks emanating from macroeconomic and political challenges. In some countries high non-performing loans remain an issue, while in others ample liquidity on account of years of ultra-easy monetary policy reinforced potentially unsustainable dynamics in certain asset markets. This highlights the need to accelerate reforms focusing on the resilience and sustainability of European financial market architecture – still largely dominated by banks – in line with the Banking Union and the Capital Markets Union initiatives.
  • The process of financialisation in Central, East and Southeast Europe
    by Mario Holzner
    Financialisation has been particularly strong in the three small Baltic states, followed by countries from CEE and, at a certain distance, by economies of SEE and the CIS. This pattern can be observed in the deregulation indicator as well as in different indicators of foreign financial inflows. However, an important distinction can be made with regard to the structure of inward FDI stocks in the CESEE region.
  • Deleveraging in CESEE continues
    by Olga Pindyuk
    The quantitative easing launched by the ECB was supposed to provide liquidity to the banking sector in order to make it easier and cheaper for banks to extend loans to companies and households. By now it has mostly failed to achieve this goal as foreign banks in CESEE have not restored their pre-crisis positions. Financial institutions in many countries of the region have carried on liquidity hoarding and restrained credit expansion, while both non-financial corporations and households have continued deleveraging despite low interest rates on loans.
  • Monthly and quarterly statistics for Central, East and Southeast Europe


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database

Keywords: economic openness, euro adoption, Stability and Growth Pact, financial markets, non-performing loans, banking union, capital markets union, financial deregulation, capital inflows, asset prices, level of indebtedness, deleveraging, liquidity hoarding, saving ratio

Countries covered: European Union, CESEE, Croatia, Wider Europe

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI
