wiiw Forecast Reports

KOSOVO: Robust growth despite political quarrelling


Mario Holzner

in: On Thin Ice: CESEE Core Resilient in the Face of EU Stagnation and the Ukraine Crisis
wiiw Forecast Report No. Autumn 2014, November 2014 , pp. 105-106

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KOSOVO Despite a politically disputatious environment, economic growth in Kosovo is expected to home in on some 4% in both the current year and the two years thereafter. Owing to the marked wage increases in the period leading up to the parliamentary elections in June 2014, growth in the current year is even expected to surpass 4%. Growth prospects depend on developments in Germany and Switzerland, the two top remittance- sending countries for Kosovan migrants.


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database

Countries covered: Kosovo
