CENTROPE - Business & Labour Report II

Client/Funding Institution



The CENTROPE Regional Development Report serves as a means to develop frequent transnational analyses and policy recommendations. The report is supposed to provide insights on the socio-economic situation and competitiveness of the CENTROPE region, to serve as a solid basis for further discussions on (trans-border) policies and measures and to provide a database for international business location marketing. wiiw acted as a partner in a consortium together with WIFO, the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Mendel University Brno and the West Hungarian Research Institute.


June 2010 - December 2012

wiiw team Leader

Roman Römisch

wiiw Staff

Ronald Hartwig

Project Partners

Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Hungarian Accademy of Sciences (HAS), Mendel University Brno, SAS

Keywords: labour market, european integration, regional development

Countries covered: Austria, Czechia, Hungary, New EU Member States, Slovakia

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, Labour, Migration and Income Distribution, Regional Development
