EuropeAid MIDWEB

Client/Funding Institution



In order to facilitate the access of potential migrants from the Western Balkans (WB) to the labour markets in the EU, and potential returnees’ access to the labour markets, this project developed a database of skills per sector needed for each country in the WB. In cooperation with the national employment services and the national statistical offices, a list of skills per sector has been compiled. These lists targeted principally the émigrés from the WB who consider return to their homeland as an option in their migratory experience, but also potential migrants from the region that would consider working in another country in the WB. In addition, a similar list was compiled for each WB country but with skills per sector needed in the main countries of destination from the EU to serve potential migrants from WB countries. All these lists were incorporated in a database accessible via the Migrants Service Centres's website. The data is available also to those who approach the MSCs in person as well as to policy-makers. wiiw was responsible for task 1.2 'Develop databases of skills per sector needed in the EU and in the Western Balkans'.


February 2011 - February 2012

wiiw team Leader

Monika Schwarzhappel

wiiw Staff

Sebastian Leitner, Hermine Vidovic

Keywords: labour market, migration, skills

Countries covered: Balkan States

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy
