Holding Together what Belongs Together: A Strategy to Counteract Economic Polarisation in Europe
Claudius Gräbner, Philipp Heimberger and Jakob Kapeller
wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 34, September 2019
7 pages including 3 Figures
The 2017-2018 economic upswing in the EU only masked the underlying economic polarisation in the bloc, which will again become more evident as the economy continues to cool.
What could a European strategy look like that counteracts the existing structural polarisation and thereby strengthens the cohesion of Europe? Based on a new study, this policy brief provides a sketch of policy suggestions on which the European Commission or leaders of EU member countries could take the lead, including:
- Coordinated industrial policy programmes
- Measures against rising income (and wealth) inequality
- Institutional reforms of the eurozone
- Further reforms of the financial sector
- Efforts to harmonise social and ecological regulation in the EU towards higher common standards
- Wage and fiscal policies geared towards reducing excessive current account surpluses
- Measures to counteract tax avoidance by international corporations.
Keywords: Europe, European integration, economic openness, competitiveness
JEL classification: B5, F6, F45
Countries covered: European Union, France, Germany, Italy
Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI