Hubert Gabrisch

Senior Research Associate

telephone: (+43-1) 533 66 10

Hubert Gabrisch is a senior research associate at wiiw. He lives in Vienna and Halle an der Saale (Germany). In prior positions, he was a research fellow and deputy director at wiiw, and head of department and research director at the Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) in Halle (Germany), where he coordinated large German and EU policy advice projects. He served as a board member of the European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EACES), also acting as its secretary. Mr. Gabrisch is the author of more than 120 publications, among them refereed journals and books, and acts as reviewer for academic journals. He obtained his diploma in economics in Marburg (Germany) in 1978 and his doctorate in Hamburg in 1986. He is currently also affiliated to the Wiesbaden Institute of Law and Economics (WILE). Since the start of his professional career, he is involved in East European issues: socialist economies, transformation to market economies, integration into the EU. Since 2009, financial and monetary affairs became an additional issue, and since 2013 EU fiscal and monetary integration policies.

Austria, Vienna

External Publications

Articles in refereed journals
  • 'Die fragwürdige These vom Nationalismus als Ursprung des Ukraine-Kriegs', 30 January 2023, Makronom
  • 'In the Maelstrom of crises: The European Union in the 'Zeitenwende'', ECONOMIC ANNALS, Volume LXVIII, No. 236, January – March 2023, pp. 7-28
  • 'Keynes vs Kalecki: risk and uncertainty in their theories of the rate of interest', Review of Keynesian Economics (ROKE), Edward Elgar Publishing, Volume 10, Issue 1, January 2022, pp. 46-62
  • 'The long-run properties of the Kaldor–Verdoorn law: a bounds test approach to a panel of Central and East European (CEE) countries', Empirica / Journal of European Economics, 48, February 2021, pp.101-121
  • 'Elements, origins and future of Great Transformations: Eastern Europe and global Capitalism', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, Vol. 31(2), June 2020, pp. 172-190
  • 'From socialist command to a capitalist market economy: the case for an active state', European Journal of Economics and Economic Policy: Intervention, Vol. 16, No. 3, December 2019, pp. 327-343
  • 'The long-run properties of the Kaldor–Verdoorn law: a bounds test approach to a panel of Central and East European (CEE) countries', Empirica, December 2019, pp. 1-21
  • 'Monetary policy independence reconsidered: Evidence from six non-euro members of the European Union', Empirica, Springer; Austrian Institute for Economic Research; Austrian Economic Association, Vol. 44, No. 3, August 2017, pp. 567-584
  • 'Explaining trade imbalances, in the euro area: Liquidity preference and the role of finances', PSL Quarterly Review, Vol. 70, No. 281, June 2017, pp. 155-184
  • 'Zur Kritik der Kapitalmarktunion', Wirtschaftsdienst, 96. Jahrgang, Heft 12, 2016, S. 891–899
  • 'Financial constraints on growth: comparing the Balkans to other transition economies', Eastern European Economics, Vol. 53, Issue 4, Sept. 2015, pp. 309-327
  • 'The Euro Plus Pact: Competitiveness and external capital flows in the EU Countries' (with Karsten Staehr), Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 53, (3), May 2015, pp. 558-576
  • 'Net capital flows to and the real exchange rate of Western Balkan countries', Economic Annals, Belgrade, Volume LX, No. 205, April-June 2015, pp. 31-52
Articles in books
  • 'Monetary Transformation', in: Raj Kollmorgen, Wolfgang Merkel and Hans-Jürgen Wagener (eds), The Handbook on Political, Social, and Economic Transformation, 62, Oxford University Press, Oxford, October 2018, pp. 573-580
  • 'Reflections on a public risk-sharing capacity for the euro area', in: Ewald Nowotny, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald and Helene Schuberth (eds), Structural Reforms for Growth and Cohesion, 16, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, October 2018, pp. 200-213
  • 'Transition by Shock in Poland' (with Kazimierz Laski), in: Peter Havlik (eds), Dismantling the Command Economy in Eastern Europe, Westview Special Studies in International Economics, Westview Press, Boulder, 1991, pp. 225-234
  • 'Transition from Command to Market Economies' (with Kazimierz Laski), in: Peter Havlik (eds), Dismantling the Command Economy in Eastern Europe, Westview Special Studies in International Economics, Westview Press, Boulder, 1991, pp. 11-29
Articles in non-refereed journals
  • 'Auf schwankendem historischen Grund', 2. März 2022, Makroskop, Das Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik, Nr. 08/2022
  • 'Die prekäre alte Normalität der EU und die Notwendigkeit zur Reform', Wirtschaftsdienst - Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, 101. Jahrgang, Heft 10, 2021, S. 814–820
Shorter papers and comments
  • 'Die fragwürdige These vom Nationalismus als Ursprung des Ukraine-Kriegs', 30 January 2023, Makronom
  • 'Auf schwankendem historischen Grund', 2. März 2022, Makroskop, Das Magazin für Wirtschaftspolitik, Nr. 08/2022

wiiw Publications

wiiw Monthly Reports
  • 'Opinion Corner: Into the Maelstrom - The EU in the Zeitenwende ', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 12/2022, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 12, Vienna, December 2022, pp. 9-11
  • 'Opinion corner: COVID-19 and the precarious ‘normality’ of the EU', in: Vasily Astrov (eds), Monthly Report No. 4/2021, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 4, Vienna, April 2021, pp. 9-11
wiiw Research Reports
  • 'Improving Competitiveness in the Balkan Region – Opportunities and Limits' (with Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Mario Holzner, Michael Landesmann, Johannes Pöschl and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report, No. 411, Vienna, June 2016
wiiw Working Papers
  • 'GARCH Analyses of Risk and Uncertainty in the Theories of the Interest Rate of Keynes and Kalecki', wiiw Working Paper, No. 191, Vienna, January 2021
wiiw Policy Notes and Reports
  • 'How to Get Things Moving in EU-Western Balkan Relations', wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report, No. 73, Vienna, September 2023
wiiw Research Reports in German Language
  • 'Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in der Balkanregion – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen' (with Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Mario Holzner, Michael Landesmann, Johannes Pöschl and Hermine Vidovic), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 3, Vienna, December 2015
  • 'Die wirtschaftliche Lage Russlands (Reprint from: Forschungsbericht des Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle - IWH, Heft 1, 2000)' (with Peter Havlik), wiiw Research Report in German language, No. 2000-04, Vienna, April 2000
