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Impact Assessment study on the Revision of Machinery Directive
Client/Funding Institution
European Commission, DG Grow
The Machinery Directive is the core European legislation for placing on the market products of the mechanical engineering industries. Products covered range from lawn movers to 3D printers, from electrically powered hand-tools to construction machinery, from commercial service robots to complete automated production lines. The study looks whether there is need for specific improvements and specifications of the Directive and whether the Directive is conducive to innovation in digitalisation, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, the new generation of autonomous robots and cybersecurity. The role of wiiw is to provide an economic and market analysis of the machinery sector in Europe and to compare it to that of its major competitor countries.
January 2019 - April 2020
wiiw team Leader
wiiw Staff
Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Magdalena Höllhuber, Sandra M. Leitner, Robert Stehrer
Keywords: Machinery, mechanical engineering industries, innovation, digitalisation, artificial intelligence, autonomous robots, cybersecurity
Countries covered: EU28
Research Areas: Other