Industrial competitiveness and market performance (ECSIP)

Client/Funding Institution

European Commission, DG Grow


The individual studies of this framework contract provide an input to the assessment of existing and the formulation of future EU industrial and related policies as well as monitoring industrial performance. Typically, the unit of analysis is the individual industry or, as appropriate, groups of related industries. It also includes the value chain(s) in which the industry is embedded, an assessment of a particular (industrial) policy initiative and its impact on the competitiveness of the industry in question. The emphasis of the studies is on the structural and microeconomic factors affecting and reflecting competitiveness and market performance of an industry. Macroeconomic analysis, econometric analysis and modelling may complement the investigation. wiiw was involved in three of these studies: ‚The luxury industry in Europe‘,’The role of firm innovation and the impact of that decision on the location of innovation’, and ‘The relation between industry and services in terms of productivity and value creation’. In the latter one, wiiw also had the coordinator role.


April 2012 - December 2015


wiiw team Leader

Robert Stehrer

wiiw Staff

Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Ronald Hartwig, Sandra M. Leitner

Project Partners

Ecorys (Coordinator), Cambridge Econometrics, Danish Technology Institute (DTI), Euromonitor, IDEA Consult, IFO

Keywords: competitiveness, energy, industrial organisation, innovation, manufacturing

Countries covered: EU27

Research Areas: International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI, Sectoral studies
