Jobs Wanted: Youth in Southeast Europe - A high-level Policy Dialogue organized by wiiw, the World Bank, the Austrian Ministry of Finance (BMF) and the Global Development Network (GDN)

Mihail Arandarenko, Omar Arias, Vladimir Gligorov, Alessandro Goglio, Ellen Goldstein, Martin Kahanec, Marjan Petreski, Indhira Santos and Hermine Vidovic

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JOBS WANTED: The Jobs Challenge and Youth Employment in Southeast Europe

by Ellen Goldstein (World Bank - Country Director Southeast Europe)

Hard to Enter: Young in SEE Labour Markets

by Vladimir Gligorov & Hermine Vidovic (wiiw)

Jobs for youth: how the Balkan countries compare?

by Alessandro Goglio (Counselor to the Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs OECD)

Declining youth unemployment in Macedonia: Dfferent (macro) policies?

by Dr. Marjan Petreski (School of Business Economics and Management University American College - Skopje)

Youth Employment in the Western Balkans – markets and incentives

by Mihail Arandarenko

Youth Employment in Western Balkans: Any lessons from the EU?

by Martin Kahanec (Central European University, Budapest; Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn; Central European Labour Studies Institute, Bratislava)

Youth Employment in Southeast Europe: Improving Skills and Removing Barriers

by Indhira Santos (World Bank)

