Key Forecasts and Macro Scenario Analysis

Client/Funding Institution

Addiko Bank AG


The wiiw carried out the 'Key Forecasts and Macro Scenario Analysis' - a set of agreed macroeconomic indicators. For five Addiko countries (plus the euro area and other key markets where appropriate), wiiw produced forecasts (up to five years) for a set of agreed macroeconomic and financial indicators. For some of these indicators, wiiw produced three scenarios in addition to the baseline: optimistic, pessimistic and negative.


May 2023 - February 2024

wiiw team Leader

Richard Grieveson

wiiw Staff

Alexandra Bykova, Richard Grieveson, Doris Hanzl-Weiss, Nadya Heger, Magdalena Höllhuber, Branimir Jovanović

Keywords: Macro Scenario Analysis, macroeconomics, financial indicators

Countries covered: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Euro Area, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia

Research Areas: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy