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Linkages between Vienna and other European cities
Client/Funding Institution
City of Vienna
In this study, we introduce a measure of linkage for the relationship between cities/regions, based on time series features of search engine queries. The used features are backed by time series decomposition using STL, i.e. seasonal and trend decomposition using Loess, precisely the strength of the trend and the linearity of a time series. The combination of these two features for both sides of search interest, e.g. the search interest for a certain topic in the city of Berlin based on search queries posed in Vienna, allows for the analysis of the development of this computed measure of linkage for the period 2004-2020 in various search engine categories provided by Google Trends between cities/regions in Europe. We then present examples based on the city of Vienna as a point-of-interest for selected topics and propose a dashboard for policy decisions.
January 2020 - May 2020
wiiw team Leader
wiiw Staff
Alexandra Bykova, Mario Holzner, Veronika Janyrova, David Zenz
Countries covered: Austria, EU27
Research Areas: Regional Development