Monthly Report No. 5/2017


Vasily Astrov, Sebastian Leitner, Isilda Mara and Sandor Richter

wiiw Monthly Report No. 5, May 2017
46 pages including 4 Tables and 30 Figures

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  • Graph of the month: ‘Happiness’ in the EU-15, EU-CEE and West Balkan countries, 2010-2016 (p. 1)
  • Opinion corner: What are the likely consequences of the economic blockade of the separatist-controlled areas of Donbas? (by Vasily Astrov; pp. 2-4)
  • Unequally wealthy but equally happy: is there an explanation? (by Isilda Mara; pp. 5-11)
  • Wealth of private households in the EU countries (by Sebastian Leitner; pp. 12-16)
  • Intra-regional trade after EU accession: the case of the three Baltic states (by Sándor Richter; pp. 17-21)
  • Recommended reading (p. 22)
  • Statistical Annex: Monthly and quarterly statistics for Central, East and Southeast Europe (pp. 23‑44)


Reference to wiiw databases: wiiw Annual Database, wiiw Monthly Database

Keywords: happiness score, trade blockade, macroeconomic impact, investment climate, happiness, GDP per capita, geographical location, gross wealth, net wealth, wealth distribution, international trade, integration, commodity patterns of trade

Countries covered: Estonia, EU15, EU-CEE, European Union, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, Western Balkans, non specific

Research Areas: Labour, Migration and Income Distribution, International Trade, Competitiveness and FDI, Regional Development