Multidimensional inequality and poverty in the EU considering polarisation and social mobility

Client/Funding Institution

Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank


The project contributes to cross-country inequality and poverty research on income and well-being as well as on income polarisation. Part 1 provides a regression-based decomposition analysis of income inequality and poverty in the EU. The research, based on EU-SILC data, allows identifying micro- and macro-level determinants of social stratification. In Part 2 the analysis is broadened to multidimensional inequality and poverty, detecting sources of dispersion of well-being. Part 3 goes beyond the static examination of poverty and inequality by looking at intergenerational mobility and inequality and poverty persistence. Part 4 presents a multi-level analysis of macro- and microeconomic determinants of income polarisation in the EU, which is also based on EU-SILC data.


September 2010 - July 2012

wiiw team Leader

Sebastian Leitner

wiiw Staff

Mario Holzner, Robert Stehrer

Keywords: income distribution, social affairs

Countries covered: Austria, Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, EU27, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

Research Areas: Labour, Migration and Income Distribution
