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Found: 133

Projects: contains »competitiveness« (133 projects found)

Industry level growth and productivity data with special focus on intangible assets (EUKLEMS update)

Client: European Commission, DG Economic and Financial Affairs
Duration: July 2018 - October 2019

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Of Smile Curves and Global Value Chains: The Role of Functional Specialisation for Economic Growth

Client: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Duration: January 2018 - June 2019

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Study on logistics and wholesale trade in EU27

Client: European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry
Duration: September 2018 - March 2019

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Supply-use based econometric Input-Output multipliers of output, income, employment and CO2 emissions (SUBE)

Client: Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Duration: December 2017 - October 2018

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Externalities of Cohesion Policy

Client: European Parliament
Duration: January 2018 - October 2018

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Diagnostic Report for the Programme for Country Partnership (PCP): Morocco

Client: UNIDO
Duration: June 2018 - August 2018

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Studies in the Areas of European Competitiveness

Client: European Commission, DG Grow
Duration: August 2014 - July 2018

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Austria’s Economic Competitiveness in a Neighbourhood Context

Client: Anniversary Fund of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
Duration: August 2016 - July 2018

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Territorial challenges, potentials and impacts of transnational cooperation in Central Europe

Client: Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE
Duration: February 2018 - July 2018

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Investitionspotentiale österreichischer Unternehmen in Bosnien-Herzegowina, Montenegro und Serbien

Client: Federal Chancellery of the Republic of Austria
Duration: May 2018 - July 2018

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